Thursday, September 3, 2020

Federal and Local Law Enforcement free essay sample

Administrative and Local Law Enforcement Sherle Spencer Everest College Intro to Criminal Justice Abstract Police offices are formed by the sort of government under which they work and our administration comprises of bureaucratic, state, and neighborhood law requirement offices. These offices work with a particular reason and target. This paper will concentrate on the likenesses and contrasts between the FBI and the neighborhood police. Police organizations work at all degrees of government, each being liable for explicit obligations and capacities. These offices have the overwhelming errand of shielding our country from outside dangers and keeping individuals from defrauding each other in the network. The FBI The Mission The strategic the FBI is to maintain the law through the examination of infringement of government criminal law; to shield the United States from outside knowledge and fear based oppressor exercises; to give administration and law implementation help to bureaucratic, state, neighborhood, and worldwide organizations; and to play out these duties in a way that is receptive to the requirements of people in general and is devoted to the Constitution of the United States (Kessler, R. We will compose a custom article test on Government and Local Law Enforcement or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page 1993). The organization we presently know as the Federal Bureau of Investigation was established in 1908 when Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte selected a power of Special Agents to be the analytical power of the Department of Justice. Preceding that, operators from the Secret Service were utilized to explore government criminal laws inside its locale. From its commencement, the FBI was for the most part liable for directing inner security examinations, yet their job was extended with an end goal to counter endeavors made by remote insight offices to take U. S. military and strategic privileged insights. Today, the Bureau has given top need to five zones that influence society the most: Counterterrorism, drugs/sorted out wrongdoing, outside counterintelligence, rough violations and salaried violations. As a rule, government law requirement offices serve to implement administrative laws and guidelines and ensure bureaucratic property and organizations (Langworthy, R. H. , Travis III, L. F. , 1999). Commitments to Law Enforcement Technology Training The FBI furnishes law authorization offices with administrations, for example, unique finger impression recognizable proof, lab assessments, and police preparing. The Bureau assisted with advancing the utilization of the most up to date innovation to distinguish crooks. The FBI’s investigative lab became the impetus for how innovation could be utilized to unravel violations and related to the National Crime Information Center, gave an extensive across the nation connect to capture and distinguishing proof records created by nearby and state police organizations. The Bureau put incredible accentuation on particular information in the presentation of police work and in doing as such; Herbert Hoover built up an extraordinary preparing school in the Bureau’s New York City office to guarantee the correct preparing of specialists. Afterward, the school was moved to Washington, D. C. , lastly to Quantico, Virginia. Notwithstanding preparing new government operators, Hoover made a National Academy to prepare police from around the nation in the most recent law implementation methods. The principle objective was to raise the degree of polished skill in law requirement across the nation (Theoharis, A. G. , Poveda, T. G. , Rosenfeld, S. , Powers, R. G. , 1999). The Police Patrol The nearby police are the most noticeable piece of the criminal equity framework. Their capacity is to watch, capture law violators, research wrongdoings, uphold transit regulations, and give group and traffic control. They are on the job 24 hours every day, 7 days per week and we have an immediate line to contact and speak with them. While on the lookout, the officials become familiar with individuals from the network; connections are developed, which in many cases are significant apparatuses to the beat official. The most perilous parts of police work are done by the formally dressed watch officials.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cinema In a World of Its Own Essay Example For Students

Film In a World of Its Own Essay The principle question meant to reply here is absolutely if film is without a doubt its very own universe. Evidently basic, this inquiry appreciates a wide scope of angles and specifities identified with film as well as to past visual gadgets, for example, photography. All through the examination of contentions, some restricting, some support up the idea of film as a subsequent world (Frampton, 2006: 1), other pertinent issues will emerge, for example, the manner by which is feasible for us to connect with film in the event that we consider that it speaks to a world other than our own. So as to respond to the proposed question, one should initially comprehend film as a specialized visual gadget, maybe one of the best while thinking about its ability of influencing people and society as a rule. At the point when film showed up, and as supported by Crary (1988), it established another worldview in the visual culture by causing a break with all the past optical gadgets: film doesn't attempt to reflect any prior the real world; rather, film creates another reality where its own authenticity, truth and objectivity are given something to do. In any case, in the start of the nineteenth century there was still who accepted that film guaranteed the enlistment of unadulterated materiality sans emotional mediation (Dasgrupta in Colman, 2009: 340), a desire recently positioned upon photography. Rancire killed this desire by asserting that if the eye of the camera needs nothing, as recently expressed by Epstein, that why it is made to need something by the movie producer (Rancire cited in Dasgrupta, 2009: 340). This similarly speaks to a defining moment brought about by film as it, contrarly to photography and even to the perspetive method in painting, never denied its subjetive measurement, going considerably further by re-joining the human vision and tolerating that the creation of pictures is unavoidably associated with the foundation of perspectives. So as to comprehend whether film is an impression of the real world or a misshaped reflection of that equivalent reality (Frampton, 2006: 3) one must investigate the not all that short way of film creation. In the examination Baudry and Williams (1974) made about how the specialized cinematographic mechanical assembly can be utilized to hide the ideological substance in film, they build up the minutes in which that equivalent device mediates in the film creation. The creators perceived two key minutes in which an instrumental base intercedes during film creation: the main, recognized as decoupage, occurs between target reality and the camera, comprising in the breakdown of the scenes which will be shot; the subsequent second occurs between the engraving and the projection, in a procedure which is generally known as after creation (1974: 40). The camera is here comprehended as an instrument which involves a moderate position, not sabotaging it as the administrator of a key transformation of the connoting material (1974: 40). Every one of these stages are considered by the creators to be a piece of the cinematographic explicitness, which they expect, comprises in transmuting the target reality into the film itself. That transfiguration further incorporates the dynamization of room and, as needs be, spatialization of time (Panofsky in Cohen and Mast, 1974: 154) implying that a film is fit for depicting occasions which occurred during days, months or even a long time in a time period of around 120 minutes. This specialized way to deal with film and its instruments authenticates Framptons origination of film as its own reality with its own aims and creativities (2006: 5). Frampton himself moves toward the demonstration of cinematographic creation as a procedure which transmutes reality, not denying that film utilizes it at an early and short lived stage. In any case, that the truth is right away submitted to the film-mind which, as Frampton depicts it, is simply the film (2006: 7), including its goals. The primary point of the film-mind is to make an acceptable domain for the activity (Perkins, 1993: 94) by remembering components for the film-world which can be perceived by the onlooker (Frampton, 2006). Furthermore, the film-mind through the film-believing is likewise liable for structuring and refiguring the film-world (Frampton, 2006: 7). Perkins gives an applicable case of what is implied by movie thinking while, ascribing that idea to the movies executive, shows he/she can control what occurs inside the picture. The executive can deliver an individual treatment of the content circumstance by controlling the activity, in detail, association and accentuation (1993: 74). Plato's Two-World Theory EssayTaking into account all of movies specificities and procedures associated with its creation, it turns out to be practically difficult to preclude Framptons origination from securing it as an alternate world with its own standards (2006: 5). Be that as it may, one can without much of a stretch inquiry how we connect with film to the point of feeling joy and delight in the event that it delineates anecdotal or even fantastical circumstances difficult to see in our own reality. Besides, in what capacity can film impact our enthusiastic lives and furthermore consider along with the procedure by which a culture teaches its individuals (Platinga in Allen and Smith, 1999: 398). Perkins precludes speculations from securing fantasy which propose that film can make the observer draw in with it to the point of causing him to overlook that what is being introduced on screen isn't genuine (1993: 71). Platinga shares this view by expressing that the onlooker must have steady mindfulness that what he sees is fake and that he is outside of the anecdotal world (1999: 379). The two creators are then clearly precluding a definitive trademark from securing the simulacra (Deleuze, 1983; Debray, 1992), in what respects to film: the figment and the collaboration it produces, in any event, when taken to another level by the utilization of new advancements and film designs like the 3D show framework and IMAX, are insufficient for the observers to see film as something which is inside our world. Platinga (1999: 376) additionally will not acknowledge Neo-Freudian speculations, similar to the one introduced by Laura Mulvey who recommends the deception of glancing in on a private word as the fundamental wellspring of joy for the crowd by letting them loosen up their voyeuristic phantasy (in Hollows, Joanne et al, 2000: 241). By utilizing a subjective methodology while considering the onlookers inclusion in films, Platinga (1999: 378) recommends that the passionate states experienced while watching a film rely upon the psychological reaction every individual has towards the circumstances depicted. While alluding to the idea hypothesis, which recommends that we can have genuine full of feeling reactions not exclusively to real occasions yet in addition to those we picture, Platinga legitimizes how filmgoers have enthusiastic reactions while watching a film (1999: 380). Film can even have an effect outside the film, changing people groups esteems, practices and even their method of seeing reality. That effect is accomplished through reiteration and advancement (causing the situation to appear to be normal, ethically right, or as per propelled tastes and mentalities) (Platinga, 1999: 389). By method of end, it is currently conceivable to express that, in spite of the fact that not being the equivalent, our reality and the film world offer an association as a cooperative connection. Reference index: Crary, J. 1988. Procedures of the Observer, October, Vol. 45, pp 3-35 JSTOR . Accessible at: Baudry, J.L. furthermore, Williams, A. 1974. Impacts of the Basic Cinematographic Apparatus, Film Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp 39-47 JSTOR . Accessible at: Dasgrupta, S., 2009. Jacques Ranciere. In: Coleman, F., Film Theory and Philosophy: The Key Thinkers. Durham: Acumen, pp. 339-348 Debray, R., 1992. Douze thses sur lordre nouveau et une ultime question. In: Vie et mort de limage. Paris: Gallimard, pp. 491-506 Deleuze, G., 1969. Plato and the Simulacrum. Deciphered by: Krauss, R., 1983. October, Vol. 27, pp 45-56 JSTOR . Accessible at: Frampton, D., 2006. Presentation. In: Filmosophy. London: Wallflower, pp. 1-12 Harris, M., 2008. The Oscars Which altering is significantly better than. The New York Times (January 6). Accessible at: pictures/awardsseason/06harr.html?_r=0 Mulvey, L., 2000. Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. In Hollows, Joanne et al, The Film Studies Reader. London: Arnold, pp. 238-248 Panofsky, E., 1974. Style and Medium in the Motion Pictures. In: Cohen, M. also, Mast, G., Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings. London: Oxford, pp. 151-169 Perkins, V. F., 1993. The World and Its Image. In: Film as Film: Understanding and Judging Movies. Da Capo Press, pp. 71-115 Platinga, C., 1999. Notes on Spectator Emotion and Ideological Film Criticism. In: Allen, R. also, Smith, M., Film Theory and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 373-393 Gravity, 2013 . Coordinated by Alfonso Cuarn. Joined Kingdom and United States: Warner Bros., Esperanto Filmojm and Heyday Films.

Writing About Myself - Tips For Students

Writing About Myself - Tips For StudentsMany students feel that essay writing about myself is just the same as writing about someone else. You are only allowed to write about yourself once every other class. At this point, it is important to understand that most professors would like to have you write about yourself at least twice a semester, because it is very common for a student to forget that he or she has responsibility for the way their essays are written.Your work at home will be much more productive if you use an essay writing software program. Most students believe that they can focus on getting better grades while being distracted by the sound of their own typing. Your goal should be to write an essay without using your hands or having to do anything except type. It is very common for students to not notice the sounds that make up their essays until it is too late to take corrective action.Essay writing about myself is not the same as writing about someone else. You have to understand that your essay has to make sense, in a logical manner. When you write about yourself, you have to remember that this is your story and not someone else's. Try to stick to the topic, or what you have learned about yourself in class, but be sure to express yourself clearly.Do not write about yourself in too much detail, and do not retell the same story over again in your essay. The main idea of the essay should be able to stand on its own, because each person does not have the same experiences that you do. You can mention them if necessary but do not rehash them or even discuss them.When you are writing about yourself, make sure to write about aspects of yourself that you want others to know about. You may write about your interests, your hobbies, your relatives, or even your dress sense. Be sure to add a personal touch to your essay, so that the reader is able to relate to you.Self-evaluation is a good thing to include in your essay. Sometimes you can get caught up in ot her things and forget about yourself. However, a self-examination helps you notice your strengths and weaknesses. A thorough examination of your own talents and skills can help you to improve on your accomplishments.Finally, when you are writing your own essay, try to talk about the topics that interest you. Let your passion shine through, and let your unique writing style show the way. Do not become too cerebral in your writing. Avoid using academic vocabulary that is found in textbooks, because this will be distracting to your readers.If you can follow these tips, you will find writing a personal essay easier than you ever imagined. Writing about myself will be enjoyable and rewarding, and you will find that it will help you become a better writer in the future.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Political Theories of sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political Theories of sexuality - Essay Example al jobs, specifically, ladies should show themselves essentially as spouses, moms and householders, while men are viewed as liable for the budgetary prosperity of the family. These social standards are normal to the point that any infringement of these portrayals compromises people judgment from society yet in addition disconnection from it. Offer to an assortment of philosophical and logical research reveals insight into this issue and one can comprehend why the cutting edge American culture experiences this issue. The way that its sources have profound roots. They are so generally developed in the human world that even present day American culture despite the accomplishments in the field of science and mechanical advancement keeps on showing a severe strategy of sex jobs. Specifically, one reason can be found in the impact of the Christian legacy in the way of life of the Western world. The German scholar Friedrich Nietzsche highlighted the way that the Christian culture and profound quality dependent on it and introduced in the Western world have a profound scorn for the individual human opportunity in the decision of sex jobs and approaches to actualize one’s sexuality. The value of Nietzsche is that he attempted to make an individual ready to impact the arrangement of open profound quality that considers the way that the man isn't a machine however a living animal having his/her needs and inclinations, including sexual. Indeed, even the extraordinary psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud additionally causes to notice the antagonistic effect of social standards of Western culture on the individual people life. He focuses to the way that Western culture is penetrated with the craving to place an individual in an exceptionally inflexible structure, remembering for connection to his/her status of sex and sexuality. As to the across the board generalization that gentilit y is principally associated with shortcoming, resignation, and so forth., one can allude to the finishes of Simone de Beauvoir. Because of careful research Beauvoir went to the possibility that such an

Instrumental and end values Essay

Qualities are one’s judgment of what is significant throughout everyday life. One method of considering esteems is as far as instrumental and end esteems. Instrumental qualities are convictions about the sort of conduct suitable for arriving at specific objectives. End esteems or in some cases called terminal qualities, are convictions about the sort of objectives or results that merit attempting to seek after. This paper will clearly portray the essential ideas of each worth while analyzing my own rundown and rankings of five instrumental and end esteems generally critical to me. End vales can be arranged by two unique angles, individual and social. My end vales comprise of uniformity, an energizing life, dignity, a feeling of achievement, and knowledge. The end esteems generally essential to me lean towards an increasingly close to home viewpoint, despite the fact that uniformity is viewed as a social end an incentive as indicated by Rokeach. Settling on fundamental life choices consider these five end esteems. Balance is certainly one of most significant qualities throughout my life. Correspondence among loved ones has consistently been one of the significant qualities throughout my life. An energizing life is important for one’s satisfaction and joy prompts a positive emanation encompassing a person. Confidence, a feeling of achievement and knowledge are three viewpoints that are integrated. An individual needs to have confidence and a feeling of achievement to procure astuteness. Instrumental qualities, as indicated by Rokeach, fall in two classes too; profound quality and ability. The methods individuals use to accomplish their objectives may abuse virtues like trustworthiness, or damage one’s individual feeling of fitness and capacity like become irrational. My five instrumental qualities incorporate aspiration, neatness, absolution, duty, and restraint. The instrumental qualities generally critical to me concentrates more on ability than ethical quality. These instrumental objectives are key perspectives that emphasis on seeking after one’s life objectives. Trustworthiness is the best strategy. Genuineness is one of the most significant perspectives in seeking after one’s objectives throughout everyday life. Desire is additionally one of numerous significant qualities in an objective arranged individual. Desire is required for one to accomplish objectives and be effective. Neatness andâ responsibility are at an equivalent degree of si gnificance in my life. Tidiness is related with obligation from various perspectives. One must be mindful to keep oneself and one’s environmental factors clean which prompts a cheerful way of life. Pardoning and poise are two sharp qualities to one’s life also. Restraint is critical to prevail throughout everyday life. Be that as it may, each individual has both instrumental and end esteems, each individual varies by they way they request the qualities into needs, which represents huge variety among individuals. Grasping one’s own qualities explains what is significant, which is basic for compelling authority. Pioneers can distinguish and appreciate esteem contrasts to improve correspondence and viability. Instrumental and end esteems are both basic in accomplishing objectives and having a fruitful life whether it is an individual end worth and social end worth or ethical quality instrumental worth and capability instrumental worth. This paper depicted and recorded five instrumental and end esteem and their significance in one’s life. Qualities are crucial convictions that an individual considers to be significant that affect perspectives and conduct.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Causes and Effects of Adolescent Suicide Thirteen Reasons Why - Literature Essay Samples

In society, many problems are often ignored and stigmatized. Among these are suicide and mental health issues. These dilemmas have become more common to talk about in recent years; however, society as a whole still has a long way to go in understanding these complicated occurrences. Because of this, it is surprising to many that suicide is the third leading cause of death among people aged 10-24 (Pytash). In the popular young adult novel Thirteen Reasons Why, a girl named Hannah Baker leaves behind thirteen audio tapes before she commits suicide, with each tape addressed to a specific person and explaining how that individual played a role in her death. The book focuses heavily on why she took her own life, with some of the main reasons being bullying, harassment, and self-hate. It also shows how people are affected by suicide, through the point of view of a boy named Clay Jensen, who had a crush on Hannah and received a tape. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher brings many issues to l ight and guides the reader through the causes and effects of suicide. It exemplifies how seemingly harmless situations can spiral out of control and lead to someone’s death. All of these issues are extremely relevant and common in today’s society, yet exceedingly underestimated. The cause of suicide is often unclear and debatable. It is a tragic event that leaves friends, family, and the community in shock and disbelief. The definite answer to the question of â€Å"why† may never be answered, however, there are many known factors based on research that could cause one to contemplate suicide. According to the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, the leading contributing factors in general terms are depression, conflict with parents, relationship problems, and substance abuse (Sinyor). In the novel, Hannah Baker was harassed by a â€Å"peeping Tom† named Tyler Down. She suspected that he was spying on her bedroom, and set up an elaborate plan to catch him (Asher 59). This clear invasion of privacy made Hannah feel as if her one safe haven was violated beyond her control. Tyler’s perverted actions started the trend of Hannah’s feelings of objectification, which was ultimately a factor in her taking her own life. It most likely never occur red to him that his harassment would lead to her death. Although Hannah speaks out against harassment in the tapes, the circulation of this story actually led to humiliation and bullying for Tyler and many others mentioned on the tapes. Whether this was justified or not is up to the reader and their moral compass. A major cause of suicide both in real life and in the novel is inaction. It is a very hard occurrence to monitor, but very deadly. Many people, such as friends, family members, teachers, and other adults, aren’t sure how to spot the signs of an at-risk person. Because it is often very difficult for a suicidal person to reach out for help, people in positions of authority must be vigilant for warning signs. On the last cassette tape, it is revealed that Hannah tried to reach out to her guidance counselor and English teacher, Mr. Porter. She recorded the audio of their entire conversation to include in the tapes, and stated, â€Å"The only thing standing between you and this collection of audiotapes is: Mr. Porter,† (Asher 143). During their taped conversation, Hannah was extremely vague. She frequently dropped hints that she was suicidal, but Mr. Porter did not pick up on them. He told her that moving on from things that hurt her in the past may be her best option, which was not what she wanted to hear. She wanted someone to give her viable advice on how to overcome pain. He let her leave the room when she showed troubling signs of self-loathing, which was a huge mistake (Asher 151). This single conversation made Hannah feel as if there was no way out of her struggles, and that no one cared. This was obviously far from the truth, but in her state of mind, it was accurate. This happens frequently in the real world as well. In a study included in the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, it was found that when preservice teachers read Thirteen Reasons Why, â€Å"they recognized how the adults in the story did not support the adolescent characters; this realization provided an almost ‘trial-error experimentation’ when PSTs considered how they might react in similar situations,† (Potash). Learning from the mistakes made by characters in Asher’s novel is critical to saving the life of struggling students in the future. Yet another major factor that often causes young people to consider suicide is mental illness, especially depression. Depression does not always lead to suicide, but it does increase the risk. According to the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, depression is the leading risk factor in adolescents. In their study, 38 out of 74 youth suicide deaths were attributed to depression (Sinyor). These statistics are exemplified by the tragic case of Madison Holleran. Madison was a beautiful and intelligent 19-year-old Ivy League track star who committed suicide at University of Pennsylvania in 2014. Although everything seemed to be going right in her life, she battled depression due to the pressure she put on herself to be perfect. In a feature article from ESPN on her story, it was stated that: Madison was beautiful, talented, successful very nearly the epitome of what every young girl is supposed to hope she becomes. But she was also a perfectionist who struggled when she performed poorly. She was a deep thinker, someone who was aware of the image she presented to the world, and someone who often struggled with what that image conveyed about her, with how people superficially read who she was, what her life was like (Fagan). The struggles that Madison faced are similar to how Hannah felt. Many people believed that because she was beautiful and seemed to live a good lifestyle, she had no problems. Even though Madison did reach out for help and started seeing a therapist, it wasn’t enough. When Hannah reached out to her guidance counselor, she still felt helpless. This hopelessness and depression is a major cause of suicide. Suicide often leaves people in shock and disbelief, and can have long term effects on the people left behind. There is often confusion, as people wonder why things played out the way they did. It is often wondered if anything could have been done to prevent this tragic occurrence. Because of this, guilt is a very common effect of suicide. In the novel, the guilt that some people on the tapes felt after Hannah’s death continued to haunt them. It is foreshadowed that it will affect them greatly in the future. As Tony, the boy in charge of circulating the tapes, stated to Clay, â€Å"We’re all to blame, at least a little,† (Asher 124). Hannah put this guilt on them purposely because she wanted them to feel responsible for her death and not make the same mistakes again. According to the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy’s study on preservice teachers and young adult novels, â€Å"reasons for reading Thirteen Reasons Whywere based on prior life experien ces; they were searching for answers. Of the 22 PSTs, 10 knew either a friend or a classmate who committed suicide; one student related that a friends father committed suicide. PSTs hoped that through reading they would begin to understand why the persons they knew chose to commit suicide. Corinne said, ‘I wanted to have a better understanding of his thoughts.’ Similarly, Shayla, whose high school classmate committed suicide, stated, ‘I often wondered why and what caused him to kill himself,’† (Pytash). Based on these statements alone, it is inferred that people who knew someone who committed suicide are extremely likely to carry guilt for the rest of their lives. They will wonder why the person did it and if there was anything they could’ve done to stop them. This can lead to other serious problems down the road. Traumatic events have the ability to change the way people think and act. Hannah Baker’s suicide caused some people to rethin k every interaction they had with her, and be kinder to other people. This is especially apparent in the case of Clay Jensen. He wanted to get to know Hannah, but the rumors that were spread about her deterred him from doing so (Asher 15). After her suicide, he regrets not reaching out to her. Soon after, he changes how he interacts with people. When he notices his middle school crush in the hallway, instead of ignoring her like he usually does, he acknowledges her. He says, â€Å"But Skye’s walking down the same stretch of hall where I watched Hannah slip away two weeks ago. On that day, Hannah disappeared into a crowd of students, allowing the tapes to say her goodbye. But I can still hear the footsteps of Skye Miller, sounding weaker and weaker the further she gets. And I start walking, toward her. Two steps behind her, I say her name.† (Asher 156). Clay never would have done this in the past, which is a clear indicator that Hannah’s suicide changed him. He i s now more empathetic towards others’ struggles, and can sense when someone needs a friend. These are all effects of the traumatic incident he endured through the tapes. Presenting a contrast to Clay, some people who receive the tapes are not affected by them. They feel no guilt or remorse, and do not make any major changes in their life. This reaction is best exemplified by the character Marcus Cooley. Marcus is included on the tapes because he tried to take advantage of Hannah during their first date (Asher 75). This caused Hannah to start doubting her decision making skills, and really accelerated her downward spiral. When he crosses paths with Clay at Tyler Down’s house after listening to the tapes, he voices that he feels no sorrow for Hannah’s death. In response to Clay asking what he thinks, he says, â€Å"Nothing. It’s ridiculous, I don’t belong on those tapes. Hannah just wanted an excuse to kill herself,† (Asher 110). These harsh and uncalled for statements reveal that sometimes, people feel no guilt. Perhaps this is a coping mechanism for people who, deep down, know they did something wrong. No matter wha t, some people are so unsympathetic that they will never see the error of their ways. This makes the vicious cycle of harassment continue. People can have polar opposite reactions to the same situation, which can lead to two totally different outcomes. There is one cause of adolescent suicide that stands out among the rest. Above all, it is the most preventable. This cause is bullying. Approximately 3.2 million children in grades 6-10 get bullied annually, with even more cases going unreported (Pytash). There are two different types of bullying: direct and indirect. In the novel, Hannah Baker references how she was bullied by a group of boys when an inappropriate list including her name was circulated around school. This is classified as direct bullying. It all started when Alex Standall created a â€Å"hot or not† type list and included her name on it (Asher 19). This led to jealousy, sexual harassment, and bullying for Hannah. Her self-confidence and self-worth gradually decreased as a result. This is a perfect example of how a â€Å"joke† can spiral out of control. In a study done by psychiatrists in Toronto, it was found that bullying was the only cause of suicide in 6.4% of their cases (Sinyor). Although this may seem like a small percentage, it shows the profound impact that bullying can have on one’s mental health The next type of bullying is indirect bullying. It is often less obvious than direct bullying. For example, in Thirteen Reasons Why, Hannah is often excluded and used for the benefit of others. This is hard to recognize from the outside looking in, however, it has detrimental effects on the person being targeted. After reading the novel, preservice teachers realized that, It is bullying when Courtney Crimson used Hannah for a ride to the party and then spreads rumors about her,† (Pytash). Another example of indirect bullying is when Zach Dempsey stole Hannah’s kind notes out of her Peer Communications class box. On the tapes, she responded to this by saying, â€Å"It might not seem like a big deal to you, Zach. But now, I hope you understand. Ineeded those notes. I needed any hope those notes might have offered,† (Asher 87). His actions made Hannah feel completely worthless, and even more attacked. Just like in this situation, bullying is often a sly action, not n ecessarily a physical altercation. Bullying can have a profound effect on young people, especially if they already have other stressors in their life. Hannah struggled with many stressors in addition to bullying, which is very similar to what many adolescents deal with in real life. According to the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, â€Å"vulnerability to stress and stress factors mix together to create a ‘risk factor’ in young people that leaves them susceptible to depression and suicidal thoughts,† (Breton). The additional stress of being bullied can certainly push people that are considered â€Å"atrisk† over the edge. That is what happened to Hannah; she began to view herself as worthless only after others treated her that way. No matter how many people tried to support her, her thoughts always came back to the people who did not. Thirteen Reasons Why has definitely had a colossal effect on how young people and adults alike think about suicide. Being told a story from such a personal perspective definitely hit home for a lot of people. A review of the novel by Kristine Pytash certainly backs up this statement. Pytash, who is an assistant psychology professor at Kent University, believes that talking about these sensitive topics through literature is the best way to start a difficult discussion. She states, â€Å"Young adult literature focused on issues considered sensitive, taboo, or provocative, such as bullying and suicide, may offer powerful reading experiences; however, it is necessary to offer a time and a safe place for readers to talk about these issues. Readers will need opportunities to express their experiences with the texts and how these experiences influencetheir current understandings of the text. These conversations can happen through literaturecircles or voluntary book clubs,† (Pytash). Asher’s representation of teens struggling through personal issues has become a tool for people, adults in particular, to learn how to prevent and detect problems before they get out of control. Although the issues mentioned are definitely hard to discuss and deal with, the novel Thirteen Reasons Why shows the major causes and effects of suicide. It exemplifies how seemingly simple situations can lead to a drastic outcome. The matters discussed in the book are ones that young people face daily. Based on the book and research, the causes of suicide are versatile and include harassment, inaction by family/friends/authorities, and depression. The effects are definitely more concrete, and include guilt, lifestyle changes, and denial. Bullying is an overarching cause of suicide in general, since it can lead to the other causes. The reasoning behind suicide and the aftermath are very different but can stem from the same place. Suicide, especially among adolescents, is a daunting issue that most likely will never be completely figured out. It is up to everyone to be vigilant about the warning signs and possible causes, to ensure that no one has to endure the effects. Works Cited Asher, Jay. Thirteen Reasons Why. New York: Random House, 2007. Print. Breton, Jean-Jacques, et al. Protective Factors Against Depression And Suicidal Behaviour In Adolescence. Canadian Journal Of Psychiatry 60.(2015): S5-S15. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 May 2015. Fagan, Kate. Split Image. ESPN. ESPN, 7 May 2015. Web. 22 May 2015. Pytash, Kristine E. Using YA Literature To Help Preservice Teachers Deal With Bullying And Suicide. Journal Of Adolescent Adult Literacy 56.6 (2013): 470-479. ERIC. Web. 22 May 2015. Sinyor, Mark, Ayal Schaffer, and Amy H. Cheung. An Observational Study Of Bullying As A Contributing Factor In Youth Suicide In Toronto. Canadian Journal Of Psychiatry 59.12 (2014): 632-638.Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 May 2015.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

What Freedom Does Literacy Offer in Globalised Society - Free Essay Example

What freedom does literacy offer in globalised society It is so easy for us to say that literacy is the most powerful tool at our disposal to give us freedom of speech, freedom of action and freedom of life. It is more complicated a question to ask what is literacy. In this age of technological advancement, the questions of literacy is continually expanding. From doing the most medial tasks, to trying to convince a nation that the words that are being expressed can be converted to action, the way we use literacy continually develops. We can no longer see literacy as being literate, or illiterate, but must look upon literacy as a way of expression through not only words and writing, but all other avenues of media that are at our disposal. I will look at how literacy gives us freedom in a globalised world through the understanding of different cultures, the use of technology and the literacy tools at our disposal. As Nakamura (2002, p. 64) expressed, â€Å"Globalisation is neither the convergence of westernisation nor Americanisation. What this means is that we must look broader than just Western Europe, or the United States to see what globalisation is, and if we want to have true freedom, we must then understand and work with the cultures that surround us. Victoria is an example with its â€Å"thriving multicultural society. Our population hails from over 230 nations, speaks 180 languages and dialects and follows more than 116 religions† (Department of Education and Early Childhood, 2009). With the ease o f travel, and vastness of communication we can no longer live in a monolingual and monocultural society. The world is rapidly changing and multifaceted. With this rapid change, the 1 opportunity arises to educate our students to be a part of this change. It is impossible to have a full understanding of all these different cultures, let alone the differences in culture within this. The task would be made even more impossible without the help of literacy, in its many forms. So what is Literacy exactly? Long have the days past that literacy can be expressed beyond simple printed literacy. There have so many forums of literacy to express ourselves, and we can use these different forums to express different purposes and in different context. Literacy can be expressed by reading the newspaper from print or online, listening to the newspaper on the internet and watching stories interactively. We can use literacy to express our views on news stories in so many different ways. We can create blogs and wiki’s so that we not only express our viewpoint, but expect to be critically analised by people we will never meet, let alone know. We can express this viewpoint in our own web sites, that can be viewed by milllions, or by text on social networks such as Facebook (2010), a social network with a population of over 400 million users. We can also use literacy to express ourselves by video and publish our work on sites such as youtube which has over 120 million US members alone. Jarboe (2009) also states that over twenty hours of video information is published every minute of the day. These figures are immense compared to exposure of literature that we have been used to in the past. These vast figures also show that today, literacy is a far easier skill to appreciate and have than before and we can use literacy to give us freedom. 2 Even today we measure literacy skills on how well we read and write. As previously stated, there are so many ways that we can use literacy to express ourselves and hence enjoy freedom that method of testing of literacy is far outdated. Every second year the Australian education system tests our students in grade 5, year 7 and year 9 for their literacy and numeracy skills in a national competency test known as AIMS testing. The results of these tests are published and presented to the public via a website, https://www. myschool. edu. au/. To me this is an absolute contradiction in terms. How can be test literacy by a traditional method of reading and writing and then publish the results for all to read by a ‘modern’ method, via a website which is both graphical and interpretational. We expect our young students to learn how children have learnt for the past 100 years, yet expect parents to interpret information via a method that has been available to us for a few years. The traditional test results for each school are published for the whole world to see. Schools funding schemes and how well a school can look after its students are based on the results that the students acquire via this traditional method. Is this method truly testing our students for literacy, and by not testing the literacy skills that may be more relevant for a proportion of students, are we limiting their literacy skills and so their freedom to advance them in society? As part of Australian government initiative, a focus of the education revolution was to give every child from Year 9 to Year 12 access to a digital device. As explained by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2010), Schools spend many hundreds of dollars per student every year on Information Communication Technology. This expenditure by both school, state and 3 federal governments shows us the symbiotic nature of the digital world, and literacy. It is imperative that all students have access to this digital world, and thus literacy, to have freedom in the globalised world. With so many devices that give access to today’s knowledge societies, it should be a priority for any educational system to give access to a digital device. Gone are the days that students are brought to the library to work on 1 of 10 computers sitting in the corner. Students expect to have access to laptops, ipods, PDA’s or tablets at call. As reported by Serpo (2009) Victorian schools have given access to many grade 5 students a netbook. This has proven to be a success, with students finding many different methods to express themselves through writing, graphical analysis, recording sounds or recording video. This is a true offering of freedom in a globalised society. With teachers being able to introduce tools such as Interactive Smartboards the world is brought to the classroom via the internet. ith continued funding, global communication will be made easier for students as they learn. There have already been many projects using video conferencing in the classroom where students can talk to a real astronaut or communicate with fellow students all across the world. All of these developments expand the literacy of students, and with continued funding, give students freedom in a globalised world. With such vast amounts of literacy that are available to us, it is tempting for those in authority to have control over the information that we can see. The ABC (2009) reported that the Australian government will introduce compulsory internet filtering to block international websites at the governments discretion, a move seen by many to take away our freedom in a globalised society. This is a dangerous 4 precedent as any attempt to limit freedom must be. this move has come under the scrutiny of many develop nations, as Australia will be join the likes of China, Burma and North Korea to name a few to filter internet at a government level. Questions that need to be asked about this limitation of freedom will be questions such as what will be filtered and who will decide on this. The ramification of Australia’s position in a globalised society is still unsure, although one would expect that the effect can not be positive. China is a case in point at this time with much debate between China and a private company, Google, the worlds most popular search engine. There has already been talk about the effects that the move of Google leaving China will have on the political relationship with the United States. Surely this is a huge effect that literacy has on China’s ability to be part of a globalised world. The Australian(2010) reported, Without full and fair market competition, there will be no quality, no excellence, no employment opportunities, no stability and no real rise of China With the importance of the Internet and the way that people use it, the structure of the education system and the importance of Information, Communication and technology in our education system and the level of access that people have, literacy plays a huge role in offering freedom to the globalised society. With hundreds of millions of users world wide, even the smallest piece of expression can be viewed by a limitless amount of people. Surely freedom can only be offered to the globalised world through the use of the many literacy tools offered to us in today’s society. 5 Bibliography Nakumura, 2002, ‘Cultivating Global Literacy Through English as an International Language (EIL) Education in Japan: A New Paradigm for Global Education’, International Education Journal, Vol 3, No 5, 2002 Department of Education and Early Childhood, 2009, Education for Global and Multicultural Citizenship A Strategy for Victorian Government Schools 2009 2013, DEEC, Melbourne Facebook, 2010, https://www. facebook. om/press/info. php? statistics, retrieved 25th March, 2010 Jarboe, 2009, We Watch More YouTube Videos than We Conduct Google Searches, retrieved 25th March, 2010 . Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2010, ICT infrastructure budgeting, retrieved 23th March, 2010, Serpo, 2009, Victoria schools begin netbook trial, retrieved 24th March, 2010, ABC, 2009, Green light for internet filte r plans, ABC News, retrieved 24th March, 2010, McDonald, J. , 2010, ‘China without Google: a lose-lose scenario’, The Australian, 17 March, 2010, page unknown 6