Monday, December 30, 2019

Analysis Of Samuel Johnson s Manners And Of Life

Fatima Mossolem In Samuel Johnson’s essay Preface to Shakespeare he asserts that Shakespeare’s writing is a â€Å"mirror of manners and of life,† which in laymans terms means that Shakespeare writes the truth about life, even when it is seen as unpleasant. This proves to be true even today, over a hundred years since King Lear was written. One of the meanings of the work as a whole in King Lear is that loyalty doesn t always have to be born of blood. We see this mostly with Kent, Lear’s faithful servant, who stayed by Lear’s side no matter the situation. Nature is also another meaning of the work as a whole. When related to Kent the question of nature is whether or not he is loyal to his king, and without compare he is. In my life now I have found that the best of friends will be more loyal and kind to you then the closest of families, proving that the stories and characters Shakespeare created can be paralleled in the modern world. Although one could claim that t he events that occur in Shakespeare s plays are nothing more than fiction, it is obvious from both the characters and the plot that Shakespeare’s work The first words Kent spoke in this play were â€Å"Good my liege-† (pg 15). The first time Kent is seen in the play he is trying to convince Lear to rethink his decision about banishing Cordelia. Lear takes this as a challenge and of course banishes Kent as well. Kent then chooses to come back and work for Lear in disguise. This was the first glimpse of Kent’s character,Show MoreRelatedViolation Of The Maxims Of Cooperative Principle7912 Words   |  32 PagesPrinciple in Samuel Beckett’s Selected Plays. Research Student Mr. Mundhe Ganesh Balavantrao Research Guide Dr. B. A. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Menace Of Technology - 845 Words

For decades, society has been plagued by the mind-numbing, soul-sucking menace that is technology. Technology consists of smartphones, Wi-Fi, calculators, laptops, and other electronics that gives us the ability to live life more efficiently. Ovens, plumbing, clothing, and other objects of the like are not technology, regardless of what the dictionary says. The dictionary lies- it, too, was created by modern technology. Nowadays, technology has overrun us as a people. Our children are constantly looking at phones or computers instead of learning how to carry on a conversation in person. The populace is suffering from obesity, increased substance abuse, and general laziness. Some native tribes have even demonstrated that with technology†¦show more content†¦If these children cannot walk the distance to their education, then they will simply have to help their parents on the farm. Again, the lack of ships and transportation means that crops will have to be solely grown in a c ounty, any farther would be unfeasible with a wagon or by foot. Yes, there is always the possibility of a predictable disease wiping out the crops of the season and creating a devastating famine, but those who survive it will build character, unlike those who work on a laptop instead of the good earth. The class system will be reborn, but it is a minor setback. Comparing the supposed unjust nature of the class system to vital communication skills and a lack of diabetes demonstrates the weight of the pros versus the cons of demolishing the empire of technology. The pros are obviously so much more prominent- who wouldn’t willingly allow the class system to thrive if it meant our youth, though now select, could gain immense knowledge and respectable ethics now that smartphones are banned? Another horrible effect of having technology so intertwined with our daily lives is that it affects our day-to-day mood. When learning of all the negative events of the world, such as a new disease breaking out or a riot taking place somewhere poverty-ridden, it can cause one to feel guilty or angry. With our communication being limited byShow MoreRelatedThe On Infringement Of Trade Marks And Spencer Private Company1035 Words   |  5 Pagesplaintiff’s domain name. An injunction was ordered against the defendant in use of the said name . Despite multiple Laws on IPRs and lack of effective enforcement mechanism, Indian Judiciary has been remarkably creative in controlling and curbing the menace. Indian Courts have been fairly liberal and progressive in granting orders restraining defendants overseas in cases where infringement takes place through a website such as Domain Name infringement or on-line sale of counterfeit. In Tata Sons v. 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This shows a significant level of internet penetration and mobile broadband availability in developing countries. But Smart City concept is a holistic approach that involves the deployment of Information and Communication Technology to improve human and social capital, quality of lives of citizens, economic growth, and participatory governance, conscious management of resources, sustainability and efficient mobility at the same time ensuring privacy an d security of citizensRead MoreThe Government Should Regulate Artificial Intelligence1655 Words   |  7 Pagesthe potential danger of AI. We should really concern about something and take actions now to prevent the worst potential consequence that might destroy our human race. Therefore, what is AI, and why would we focus on the potential menace of this fast developing technology? 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Comparative Study of Texts Free Essays

The module comparative study of texts should remain in the Board of Studies syllabus as it can provide a powerful insight into the human condition and social values of an era. The play â€Å"Away† by Michael Gow and poems published in â€Å"Sometimes Gladness† written by Bruce Dawe are both texts which reflect similar conditions that the typical person living in suburban Australia between the 1950’s and 1960’s experienced. There were many significant events that took place during these two decades such as the aftermath of the Great Depression and the country’s military involvement in the Vietnam War. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparative Study of Texts or any similar topic only for you Order Now These incidents led to an outbreak in excessive consumerism and rising conflict amongst the Australian population on the subject of conscription. Through the analysis of the above mentioned texts, comparisons can be established. The 1950’s and 1960’s saw the beginning of a very consumerist Australian society where by treasured values were replaced with superficiality. In the play â€Å"Away†, Gwen’s obsessive longing for all things materialistic began to take over her life and affect the relationships she had with her family. The diminishing ideals of the pre-boomer generation are the resultant of the Great Depression which occurred in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. Many Australians were left unemployed which gave them the inability to support themselves with a home or even a decent meal. On the left hand side, you can see two men walking down the streets with signs hung around their neck on the lookout for a job so they are able to efficiently provide for their family. In Gwen’s confrontation with daughter Meg whilst being accused of purposely leaving Jim’s cardboard carton behind containing Christmas presents, she explains how she has â€Å"Sacrificed! Gone without. Gone through hardship so what happened to us will never happen to you. So you’ll never know what we saw – never, never, never. † The short sentences followed by the repetition of the word ‘never’ give emphasis to Gwen’s devastating situation as she recalls the difficult stage in her life that unless you were in the same circumstances, will never be able to understand. On the right hand side of the slide shows a house formed by Australian currency. This represents both Gwen and Jim’s desire to live the Australian Dream of home ownership. Gwen’s money-oriented nature often causes her to look down on others who she believes are not entitled to the privileges she is as they have not worked for it. While in discussion with Meg about Tom’s family and their upcoming holiday she says â€Å"They both work don’t they? In a factory, isn’t it? I’m sure that’s what I heard. A lean-to. They shouldn’t be going on a holiday if they can’t afford one. † Gwen generalizes their family in contrast to the hardships she financially struggled with in her adolescence that she persisted through to earn what she has today. These past experiences have made her appreciate the value of money to which she vows to never have to live so miserably ever again. Likewise, similar concepts regarding increased consumerism in this particular time period can be seen in Dawe’s â€Å"Enter Without So Much as Knocking†. This poem follows stages of a man whose life since birth is built on consumerism. The 1950’s were a time where social values regarding consumerism were substantially changing, especially as a result of the new advances in technology. The television, being one of the major developments only started to become mainstream in Australia a few years before this poem was published. The poem opens with a new born baby being introduced into a hectic fast city paced lifestyle. The first words heard when carried into the front door were Bobby Dazzler on Channel 7, â€Å"Hello, hello, hello all you lucky people. † The repetition of the word â€Å"hello† gives emphasis on the irony of the materialistic world the child just has entered into. Although Bobby Dazzler refers to the viewers as lucky, the immoral ethics and lack of human emotion that the child is exposed to would suggest otherwise. The photo on the left shows a person who is surrounded by materialistic objects along with the word consume to show how the persona in the play’s whole life revolves around consumerism. Consumerist attitudes are also seen later in to the poem, when the family are defined as a â€Å"Well-equipped smoothly-run household†, using labels that would typically be given to commercial products when advertising. The hyphenated words create an extended listing effect that would appear when reading product descriptions before considering buying. This dehumanizes the family as if they have been purchased as objects and have not been described based on personal characteristics thus demonstrating how consumerism has completely ruined our lives. This idea is represented in the deceptive picture on the right, with the phrase â€Å"Consumerism is killing us all†, however with few letters blurred out leaves the words â€Å"Consumerism is in us all†. The Vietnam War was another prime concern which had a massive impact on both the veterans and their loved ones during the 1960’s. Specifically, the introduction of conscription laws within Australia were very ontroversial as the public felt that they should not be forcefully sent overseas, but instead used for home defence only. In â€Å"Away†, it is learnt that Roy and Coral have lost their son at war after he was randomly selected through the conscription method of recruiting troops. Both Coral and Roy have different approaches to coping with the loss of th eir son which begins to threaten their relationship. Roy sees his son’s involvement in the war as a contribution to a â€Å"country with one of the highest living standards on earth. † leaving his wife Coral who is still clearly distraught from the outcome, without any emotional support. After the school play, Coral awaits her husband alone outside where through monologue, is able to address her exact thoughts out loud to the audience. Coral has been moved by â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream†, in particular Tom’s role who she cannot help but think of her young and innocent son who was taken away far too early. She makes a direct reference to her son â€Å"Is it better for them to die like that? † Through the soliloquy it is evident that Coral is incapable of dealing with the pain and despair the world has to offer, leaving her in an unstable state. The image on the left is of a young Australian veteran who was called up in the first intake of national servicemen under the conscription scheme, who would have been placed in the exact situation as Roy and Corals son. Later on in the play, Roy confronts Coral about her inability to control her low-spirited behaviour around people when she is at school functions and that Roy is also still suffering but doesn’t feel included in the mourning of their son. Roy attempts to reassure Coral that there are other families out there who have been victimised by the repercussions of the war with the lines â€Å"But. But. We are not the only ones†. The uses of short sentences are far more powerful in meaning as they are straight to the point in his efforts to comfort Coral from the tragedy. Coral is only one of a few mothers who were outraged due to conscription. On the right, you can see an anti-conscription protest by a group of women called Save Our Sons who formed to counter conscription and in general the war. Identical themes with regards to the nation’s involvement in the Vietnam War and the negative response from the Australian public can be seen in Bruce Dawe’s â€Å"Homecoming†. The poem is about the process of bringing home deceased bodies from the war who were originally conscripted to fight on behalf of their country. The title itself â€Å"Homecoming† is used in such a sarcastic manner, drawing all attention to the irony. The concept of a ‘homecoming’ would generally call for a celebration and overall give us a warm sensation, however that is not the case for the return of the dead soldiers stripped of their dignity. In the first opening lines of the poem, the procedure of how the bodies are collected for their arrival home are described using graphic terms. Through the use of visual imagery, the mistreatment of the corpses is shown in lines â€Å"they’re zipping them up in green plastic bags† which dehumanize the veterans by their absence of individuality. On the left shows luggage on the tarmac at Vung Tau, a few days before the Vietnam veterans returned home. The enormity of the war is represented towards the end of the poem through the metaphorical â€Å"the spider grief swings in his bitter geometry. † Dawe refers to a spider’s web to portray the widespread affect the war had on the family and friends within the community who are still grieving. The image on the right shows a soldier being greeted by his young children, who was fortunate enough to arrive home unscathed, unlike many of his fellow war mates. As you can see, exploring related themes of consumerism and conscription in Bruce Dawe’s poems â€Å"Enter Without So Much as Knocking† and â€Å"Homecoming† along with Michael Gow’s play â€Å"Away† allow us to gain an insight into the human condition and social values of an era that we would otherwise not be able to understand on such scale through a study of one of them individually. In saying so, the Board of Studies should reconsider removing the module from the syllabus. How to cite Comparative Study of Texts, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Food for Thought free essay sample

Allfoods Corp. (Allfoods) is a calendar year-end company. On February 1, 2009, Allfoods announced that it was acquiring 80 percent of the outstanding common stock of Baked Beans Corp. (Baked Beans) in a business combination. On the acquisition date, Allfoods paid $40 million in cash and issued two million shares of Allfoods common stock to the selling shareholders of Baked Beans. All of the outstanding stock options granted to employees of Baked Beans will be replaced with Allfoods stock options as required by the merger agreement. Allfoods is accounting for the transaction in accordance with ASC 805, Business Combinations. 1. Determining Consideration Transferred On August 1, 2009, Allfoods acquired Baked Beans. The Allfoods share price was $30 on the announcement date and $35 on the acquisition date. It included a topic sentence, details, and a closing sentence. The sandwich organizer is used to help visualize thoughts. Looking at the bigger picture, you could also relate it to any type of good literature, a beginning and end (the bread) and details, which could be, the climax or the best part of the writing (the meat in the middle), which ties in with another method of writing, called the â€Å"hamburger method,† which was taught to us when learning to write expository and persuasive essays. This organizer helps students see how each paragraph in the Five-Paragraph Essay relates with the other paragraphs. These two examples of food relate to writing. I am taking this reflection of the analogy a â€Å"ham sandwich† to a whole other level though. The second way I looked at this analogy was actually comparing any type of food to any type of book or piece of writing. I know when I was younger, if I completed a good task or had gotten hurt, I was rewarded with my favorite food. Now I look at reading as a reward, because one of the greatest things to do for yourself is to keep your mind active (there are several studies that prove this). An easy way to keep your mind active is picking up a book and reading it; furthermore when your feeling down it is common for a good piece of writing to leave a happy impression on a person. Food tastes better the hungrier you are, and reading is more effective depending on how â€Å"hungry† to learn you are. Both food and writing are more enjoyable when, â€Å"savored,† or â€Å"digested† slower, meaning that when something is good you want the feeling to last longer. Everyone has there own opinions about foods and books, but people will never know there own opinion until they actually try for themselves, and for all the picky eaters and readers, their is something that fits you, you may just need to expand your horizons. Remember though a type of food may look foul or a book might look boring, but maybe the food could be considered a delicacy or the book a classic. Always have an open mind when introducing yourself to a new type of food or piece of writing you may be happy with the outcome if you try it. Although food has a few more downsides, (Canada would be better off with people who like to read too much, rather then people called obese) there are many ways to relate eating and reading because both elements are stimulants for the body and mind, and there are so many types of the two groupings. Both are just temporary solutions when trying to escape â€Å"reality. † Reading and eating also relate to patterns, negative and positive; why you eat may be the same reason you read. Some people may say they are anxious, frustrated, bored, angry, sad, or lonely. The saying â€Å"Food for Thought† is considered anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking, and I think that is an important thing to keep in mind.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Airasia Corporate Strategies free essay sample

Understanding the operations of the firm Flat Hierarchy Opportunity to grow and voice their opinion Effective communicator – Singleminded and simple approach to operations. By adopting the Blue Ocean Strategy, he significantly reengineered the way in which the airline industry in Malaysia had been previously run and he created a leap in value for customers He introduced: †¢ he went beyond existing market constraints to re-create market boundaries †¢ a low price ticket and no-frills mode of operations in order to create value for customers †¢ Created multiple new routes and frequency of flights etc. Four Actions Framework AirAsia’s Strategy Canvas Outcome of the decision Developing Airline of the Year 2003 by Airfinance Journal 2012 ATW Value Airline of the Year Strategic decision 2 – AirAsia X (Long Haul) ? Global strategy-International expansion ? Formed in 2007 ? An associate company that offers long-haul services from Kuala Lumpur to Australia, China, France, India, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom. We will write a custom essay sample on Airasia Corporate Strategies or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Strategic decision 2 – AirAsia X (Long Haul) Quality of the decision ? Overall, the long-haul model for AirAsia X is a great success. ? But the flight routes to London and Paris have to be cancelled due to high fuel prices and low demand. ? â€Å"It (the decision) was emotional,† recalled by Fernandes in an interview revealing his emotional attachment to London. This sentimental decision eventually contributed to the failure of long-haul flights.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Travel the World

How to Travel the World Free Online Research Papers Traveling the world is one thing that most people always dream of doing. To most, this dream will never become a reality. There are a certain few that may come closer to this dream by reading this â€Å"how to† essay. Here are my steps from least to most important. First, the least important step would be to create an itinerary. This should include all of the places you would like to visit. Once you have decided where you want to go, you will have to get maps or go on line to research the best way to get there and how to get around once you have arrived. With this list, you should research lodging accommodations for each city. You will have to decide what kind of experiences you wish to have. There are many hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts and personal homes available to rent. You should take into consideration the food that will be offered in these various lodging situations. If you want to experience the local foods, you should probably stay in a personal home or a bed and breakfast because the food is usually cooked on the premises. The local restaurants will usually have food from all different cultures so if this is what you are looking for, a hotel or motel might be what you will want to stay at. If restaurants are the way you want to go, you should check on line to see what dining experiences are available in the area and if you will need reservations to get in. Some restaurants have shows to watch as you eat but will usually need reservations. These are things you will need to know before you go. Next, you will have to be sure that you have a passport and transportation. A passport is required for all travel outside of the United States of America . It can be applied for at your local post office. You have to bring two forms of identification that include pictures. They will take your picture and send this off to the government with your payment. In four to six weeks, you will get a passport in the mail. Once you have this, you can make all your transportation arrangements. You can do this with a travel agent, or on your own. There are many modes of transportation; however, as I’m sure you know, you can’t use a car for most of this. A plane or boat will have to be booked for all intercontinental travel. Once you reach a city, you can rent a car to get around. There are also taxi’s available in most cities or you can rent a bike or motorcycle. Last, but not least, you will need money. The amount of money you will need depends on what type of experience you want to have. If you are considering doing a lot of camping and hiking, obviously you will not need as much money as if you were to stay at five star hotels and eat at extravagant restaurants. There are also many discount websites that you can go on to get cheaper prices on airlines and boats. You are the only one that can know what experience you want so it is up to you to add up all the different things you want to do to know how much money you will need. Once you have done this, you will need to make sure that you have the correct currency for the country you will be staying in. This can be done at a bank, or sometimes, the airport can convert currencies. Hopefully, if you follow this easy â€Å"how to† essay, you will be flying around the world in no time! There are many things to do in this world; all you need to do is take the time to do a little planning. If you can do this and save your money, you should have a wonderful experience. Research Papers on How to Travel the WorldMind TravelLifes What IfsThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyGenetic EngineeringNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceTwilight of the UAW19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaHip-Hop is Art

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Week 3 Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 3 Discussion - Essay Example Schools need to take an active role in developing as well as promoting the physical, emotional, mental, and social health of students. There is also need to engage students in meaningful work. Since health is so relevant to students, undertaking tasks that are related to promoting their health can be used in capturing students’ interest and enhance development of skills and knowledge in other curriculum areas. By working closely with the community and families, schools have a chance to positively influence the health of students. In the past, many schools were against allocating their resources to health programs since benefits of these programs seemed insufficient. Today, however, benefits of these programs are clear. Studies have shown that introducing school-based health programs have many positive changes in the health-related behaviors of students (Meeks et al., 2011). The curriculum should demonstrate students’ ability to well with a wide range of both at school and out of school. It should encourage students to behave in positive ways towards others. It is will be of great importance for one to distinguish between a person’s own feelings about the behaviors or opinions and the need to respect the rights of others (Meeks et al., 2011). The curriculum needs to emphasize on different nutritional needs during different stages of life. For example, it needs to emphasize on different nutrition during infancy, early childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The effects of nutrition on appearance, behavior and mental performance should be highlighted in the curriculum (Meeks et al.,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Real Estate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Real Estate - Essay Example will explore these variables and in the process outline the basics and the background necessary to develop sound decision-making in real-estate transactions. Several million real estate transactions take place in the United States every year, representing billions of dollars in economic activity. Statistics concerning real estate are among the data economists use to evaluate the health of the economy. (p. 2) The sector includes not only real estate brokers and agents, but also property managers, relocation specialists, real estate investment counselors, real estate appraisers, home inspectors, title company employees, escrow agents, and real estate developers. This industry is closely linked to the construction and financing industries. Although real estate activity has a national economic impact, the real estate business is essentially a local business, dealing with property in a particular area or neighborhood. According to Wade Gaddy and Robert Hart (2003), â€Å"each geographic area has different types of real estate and different conditions that drive prices. This relates back to the old adage of ‘location’ being important; a parcel of real estate cannot be moved, is never exactly like another parcel, and its value is impacted by surrounding land uses.† (p. 5) Two main branches make up the real estate industry – residential and commercial real estates. In most places, residential sales account for a large share of real estate activity that is why there are real estate agents who work exclusively in these types of transactions. Someone who owns a home and wants to sell it (a seller) transfers ownership of the property to someone who wants to buy it (a buyer) at an agreed price. Ownership is transferred by means of a deed, a legal document that the seller gives to the buyer. The real estate market almost always requires some form of financing in the real estate transaction. This is because few people have the cash in hand in order to buy a house or

Monday, November 18, 2019

Discuss the regulation of gene expression in HIV and the life cycle, Essay

Discuss the regulation of gene expression in HIV and the life cycle, and comment on the importance of these in the success - Essay Example Memory helper cells are differentially infected by the virus. The virus binds to the target cell using interactions between viral surface proteins (gp120) and cell surface proteins. The CD4 antigen, and the CXCR4 and CCR5 co-receptors on the host cell membrane are crucial in mediating viral entry into the cell. The interaction allows the viral and cellular membranes to fuse, so that the viral contents, including RNA and viral enzymes, enter the host cell. The viral capsid then uncoats and disassembles to release the 2 viral RNA strands, which are used to make complementary DNA by the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase. The virus cDNA is transported to the nucleus, where the viral integrase enzyme incorporates viral DNA into the host DNA, forming the provirus. The viral DNA genome remains latent in the cell for many years, as long as the T cell is quescent. The duration of latency is indefinite and varies based on the genetic makeup of the individual. When the T cell becomes activated by cytokines to carry out the immune response, the HIV provirus also becomes activated and starts transcription, leading to the formation of new viral particles (Moore and Stevenson, 2000). Regulation of gene expression of HIV The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) targets immune cells, specifically T helper cells, macrophages and dendritic cells. Upon entering the host immune cell, the virus RNA undergoes reverse transcription to form complementary DNA, which is then incorporated into the host genome. The viral DNA genome remains latent in the cell for many years. When the T cell is activated by cytokines to carry out the immune response, the HIV provirus also becomes activated and starts transcription, leading to the formation of new viral particles. Specifically, cytokines and antigens induce activation of NF-kB, which is a transcription factor that goes to the T cell nucleus and up-regulates the synthesis of pro-inflammatory proteins. The incorporated HIV genome also contains a site that can receive NF-kB and in response activate the gene promoter. Thus, the regulation of expression of HIV genes depends at least in part, on the activity state of the infected T cell, and transcription of HIV genes is regulated by cellular transcription factors (Robbin and Cotran, 2009). The genome of HIV contains codes for at least nine viral proteins. The structural proteins include Gag, Pol, and Env. The accessory proteins are Vpu, Vpr, Vif, and Nef. The regulatory proteinsare Tat and Rev, and they control the replication of the virus (Hope and Trono, 2000).The early genes are Tat, Rev, and Nef, and the rest are expressed late. The Tat protein is a transcriptional activator necessary for HIV replication. It promotes the elongation phase of HIV’s transcription, so that full-length, functional transcripts of the genome are produced. Rev is an RNA binding protein that acts post-transcriptionally to induce the transition from the early to the late, cytopathic phase of HIV gene expression (Cullen, 1991). It facilitates the export of unspliced and incompletely spliced viral RNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, which permits the production of viral late genes so that all the proteins for the full virion can be transcribed. How gene expression regulation and life cycle contribute to the success of HIV as a pathogen HIV-1 as a pathogen is found all over the world today, while HIV-2 is restricted to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Steps of the Decision-Making Process in the CJS

Steps of the Decision-Making Process in the CJS The first step in the decision-making process, which starts when the police are notified of or discover a crime, is investigation. Investigation falls under the Police subsystem of the criminal justice system (CJS). Identification of a suspect and gathering enough evidence to warrant an arrest are the fundamental functions of an investigation. If the police feel they have reason to initiate a search, the standard they must meet in order to do so is probable cause. (Neubauer Fradella, p. 12) (Appalachian State University, p. 1) The second step in the process is arrest. Not counting traffic, there are 11 million arrests per year. Murder, rape, assault and other severe crimes account for slightly less than 2 million of those arrests. Only approximately 20% of crimes police know of end in an arrest. Obviously, arrest, like investigation, lies under the Police subsystem of the CJS (Neubauer Fradella, p. 12) Following arrest a suspect is brought in for booking, the third step of the CJS. Booking creates an administrative record of the suspect and usually includes both photographing and fingerprinting. This is the final step of the CJS that falls under the Police subsystem. (Appalachian State University, p. 1) Charging follows booking and is the fourth step of the CJS. It is also the first stage that involves the court subsystem. If a prosecutor decides there is enough evidence of good quality to show the suspect is guilty of the crime they have been arrested for, the suspect may then be charged with a specific crime. (Appalachian State University, p. 1) Following charging is the initial appearance. Several things happen at an initial appearance. Defendants are notified of the charges they are facing, they are informed of their rights, and a date for their preliminary hearing is decided. About 75% of defendants are sentenced immediately as a result of guilty pleas at the initial appearance. The initial appearance falls under the court subsystem. Bail is set by the judge for defendants who do not plead guilty. This is the most significant part of a defendants initial appearance. It is also part of the courts subsystem. In theory, defendants who cannot pay are held in jail until their trial but in practice, jails are overcrowded to the point that only defendants charged with a serious crime are not released. This is step six in the criminal justice system. (Neubauer Fradella, p. 12) Step seven is the preliminary hearing, which is part of the courts subsystem of the CJS. At the preliminary hearing, the prosecutor must convince the judge there is enough evidence to prove that a crime was committed and that there is probable cause to believe the defendant committed the crime. This is intended as a check against baseless prosecutions but in reality, probable cause is a low enough standard that most defendants are held for further action. (Neubauer Fradella, p. 13) The grand jury provides citizens a buffer against groundless prosecutions. The grand jury is part of the court subsystem. All federal felony prosecutions require a grand jury but they are only used in roughly half of all states. If he succeeds in persuading a simple majority of the grand jurors that there is probable cause that there was a crime committed and probable cause that the defendant committed that crime, an indictment is returned. The grand jury is the eighth step of the CJS. (Neubauer Fradella, p. 13) If the grand jury finds that there is probable cause to proceed they return an accusation, in writing, charging the defendant with the crime. This written accusation is known as an indictment, it falls under the court subsystem of the CJS, and is the ninth step of the process. (Albany County District Attorneys Office, p. 1) The tenth step in the criminal justice system is the arraignment. This step is part of the court subsystem. As at the initial appearance, defendants are advised of their rights. This is usually more extensive at the arraignment. Defendants also receive a copy of the formal charges against them, before entering a plea. Not guilty is the most common plea at this stage. (Neubauer Fradella, p. 13) The trial is the eleventh step of the C1JS and is part of the courts subsystem. Guaranteed by the Constitution, the trial is the most essential right of the defendant. Trials may be either bench (the defendant is tried by a judge only) or jury. In the case of a jury trial, the sequence is: opening statements by the prosecution and the defense, the prosecution calls the first witness, closing arguments by the prosecution and the defense, the judge instructs the jury regarding the law, and the jury deliberates in secret. Over 90% of criminal trials end in convictions. (Neubauer Fradella, p. 14) Following a guilty verdict, the judge will decide on prison, probation or a fine. This is the sentencing phase and is the twelfth step in the CJS. Fines are very unusual in felony cases. The death penalty may be a possibility although it is limited to only some first-degree murder cases.1 (Neubauer Fradella, p. 14) The appeals stage is the thirteenth step of the decision-making process and is part of the courts subsystem. Most defendants who are found guilty at trial file an appeal with an appellate court. Most defendants who have pled guilty do not file appeals. Only 10% of defendants win their appeals. The most important attribute of an appellate court is that it can decide policy matters that affect the entire criminal justice system. (Neubauer Fradella, p. 14) Corrections, the fourteenth step, is the third subsystem of the CJS. Once defendants have been found guilty they are most frequently incarcerated. The most common sentence of past two centuries, incarceration deprives prisoners of their freedom and isolates them from society. The United States has the worlds largest share of its population in prison and these prisons are severely overcrowded. (Neubauer Fradella, p. 379) (Appalachian State University, p. 1) The last of the criminal justice systems decision-making steps, number 14, is release. There are several ways a convict may obtain release: serving the full sentence imposed by the courts, parole or pardon. The most cost effective sentence is parole, a form of punishment that allows a convicted criminal to live in the community provided they meet a variety of conditions while they do so. Convicted criminals may also be incarcerated. In general, jails are intended for terms of less than one year and prisons are meant for terms over one year. Most prisoners do not serve the full term of their sentences.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Macbeth :: essays research papers

In the Shakespearean play, MacBeth, A Scottish nobleman starts off by killing one man to become king but in the end has left a whole path of destruction behind him. MacBeth, is the main character who alongside his wife, Lady MacBeth, kills just to become king. Then kills again just so he can keep the throne, and once he becomes suspicious of another person he kills them. So I will try to show the advancement of MacBeth’s aggression. At first MacBeth is rather nervous to commit the first murder, and Lady M. isn’t affected but after that MacBeth begins to have no remorse. In the first 2 acts of the play, MacBeth, Lady M. keeps on urging MacBeth to kill Duncan, The king. So I will compare and contrast the beginning attitudes of MacBeth and L. MacBeth and as the story goes on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1.3 of MacBeth, MacBeth and Banquo meet the Weird Sisters and they greet MacBeth, “Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King hereafter.'; This is the beginning of the demise of MacBeth’s sanity. As the story goes on and MacBeth is at Duncan’s castle, 1.4, Duncan names his son, Malcolm, the new Prince of Cumberland, meaning he shall be king. MacBeth then says, “The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down or else o’erleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, Hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.'; I think this is when he gets the first ideas of murder into his head. But when he goes home and tells L. MacBeth that Duncan is coming to stay for the night she says, “ O never, that sun shall morrow see.';(1.5) She is getting the same ideas of MacBeth of killing Duncan, but MacBeth begins to think it is a bad idea. And MacBeth even says, 1.7, “ We shall proceed no further in this busine ss.'; But L. MacBeth seems to want it more when she said back in 1.5, “ Come, you spirits, That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me to the toe top-full of direst cruelty.'; Implying that she wants to become cruel and evil enough to commit the deed herself. Finally in 2.2 MacBeth kills Duncan.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the murder of Duncan MacBeth becomes real jittery and nervous. He shows his nervous he was when he was killing Duncan when he said he heard voices, “Sleep no more, MacBeth does murder sleep'; “Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Analysis of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Essay

A lovely summer morning in a quiet little village, is what Shirley Jackson describes in the birth of her short story, â€Å"The Lottery (1948).† The organization of her story makes it exceptionally easy to read. The appealing imagery, that Jackson uses, sets the mood of the day and event to come. With the same imagery, she carefully decorates the setting, describes the characters, and unfolds the plot; while keeping the reader from anticipating the conflict until it is upon them. Organization Jackson’s organization of the story is chronological. After the introduction and description of the setting, she explains the sequence of events. The children congregate first, then the men. The women join the men, and they call the children to settle. As the event starts, the heads of each household go to remove a piece of paper from the box. Then, as they completed the first round of the lottery, each member of the winning family drew again. All of these events, so nonchalantly, were leading up to the tragic stoning of one community member. Setting From the image that Shirley describes of the stories setting, the reader can feel the warmth of the summer day. One can see and just about smell the flowers and grass, and can hear the children playing around as everyone in the small village gathered together. The men were discussing tractors and taxes, and the women exchanging gossip while they awaited the day’s annual event. Mood and Characters Mr. Summers leads the community event they call the lottery. Jackson tells us that Mr. Summers, because he has time to devote, also leads the other civic activities such as the square dances and Halloween program. Tessy Hutchinson is late to the gathering, saying that she â€Å"clean forgot what day it was (p. 259).† Mrs. Dunbar says, â€Å"I wish they’d hurry (p. 261).† Most of the characters are in good spirits; although, they are anxious to get on with the rest of their day. Nothing about the mood could lead one to believe this story may have an unpleasant ending. Even the seemingly grumpy Old Man Werner, does not provide any clues as to what will happen. He is exceedingly headstrong about the tradition, however. Especially when the Adams attempt to discuss other village’s doing away with the lottery. Even the complaints from Tessy, when her husband draws the winning paper, did not change the mood of the story or the villagers. Conflict From the mood set in the story, the village’s tradition of the Lottery seems like it may be something enjoyable. The conflict comes about when Tessy begins to complain about her families unfair selection and then her own. Then one may start to get the impression this may not be fun. I wondered what could be so miserable they needed a lottery to determine the winner, or loser in this case. Is she going to be forced to be the village mortician or have to care for the village idiot or leper for the year? Then in almost the last sentence, when the villagers surround Tessy and the first stone hit her in the head, holding her hands out desperately screaming, â€Å"It isn’t fair, it isn’t right (p. 264).† Only then does Jackson make it clear that the prize won from the lottery is fatal. Conclusion It is extremely difficult to read about a lovely community involved in such a tragic tradition. Shirley Jackson’s charming imagery of the setting and mood lures the reader through this shocking story. Overall, I think Jackson has done splendid work writing about such a horrific event. A story most people would not finish if they knew in the beginning that someone would be stoned to death by the entire community. Works Cited Jackson, S. (1948). The Lottery. In X. J. Kennedy, D. M. Kennedy, & M. F. Muth, The Bedford Guide for College writers (pp. 257-264). Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Religion and Litterature Jesus According to Matthew Essays

Religion and Litterature Jesus According to Matthew Essays Religion and Litterature Jesus According to Matthew Essay Religion and Litterature Jesus According to Matthew Essay Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Jesus According to Matthew The first verse of the first chapter of the book of Mathew introduces Jesus as a man just like any other person, â€Å"This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham† (New International version). The genealogy given in this book introduces us to a person who had ancestral background like any other Jew. He was not only a person but also a King as he came from the lineage of David who was once the king of Israel (Matt. 1: 6). However, the most interesting thing about the first verse of this first chapter is that Matthew mentions that Jesus is the Messiah. This book of Matthew has numerous evidences to prove that the character Jesus is the prophesied Messiah. The word Messiah means â€Å"anointed one†. The prophet Isaiah in the book of Isaiah had prophesied that a messiah would come to the Israelites and save them from their captivity. The prophet went ahead and said that he would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). In the 18th verse of the first chapter of Matthew, he speaks of Mary being pregnant through the Holy Spirit. This meant that she had gotten pregnant without having any relations with any man. This fulfilled the virgin birth prophecy of the Messiah. As prophesied, the Messiah would deliver the people from captivity. Like in any other community or society, the Israelites were bound by the captivity of sicknesses, poverty and above all, the captivity of sin. Matthew has written very many accounts of Jesus delivering people from sicknesses, poverty/ hunger, death and spiritual captivity. In Matthew 4:23 â€Å"Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people†. As earlier mentioned, the Messiah would come to save the people from their captivity. In order to prove this verse true, the fifth chapter of this book of Matthew gives some teachings that Jesus taught. They include the Beatitudes (3-11), teachings about salt and light (13-16), the law (17-20), murder (21-26), adultery (27-30), divorce (31-32), oaths (33-37), revenge (eye to eye) (38-42), and the love of enemies (43-48). In order to portray his uniqueness in the way he taught the people, he mostly used parables which were stories of issues the people could relate him in real life. This is mostly depicted in the 12th chapter of the book amongst other chapters. Matthew shows the reader that this messiah had come for the people just like he had been prophesied. He had not come to condemn or wrong those who were on the wrong but rather he had come to save them from their oppressions. As the Messiah (anointed one) who heals those who have been held captive by the sicknesses, chapter 8 and 9 amongst other chapters of the book give an account of some miracles he performed during his life here on earth. These miracles were those dealing with the oppressions the people faced due to sicknesses. For example, Matthew 9: 18-26 tells of the miracle he performed by raising the dead girl of a synagogue leader and by healing a woman who had been oppressed for twelve years by a bleeding problem. These two miracles took place in within the same day and he only did these miracles by word of mouth. The Messiah would deliver the people from the captivity of sins. This part was fulfilled in two ways. One, it was fulfilled through the word of mouth. Jesus was known to forgive sins. Although he had been condemned by the other teachers of the law for being blasphemous (Matt. 9: 3) since God was the only one capable of forgiving sins, he did it anyway. In Matthew 9:1-8, Jesus forgave and healed a man who was paralyzed. The speaking of the word that confirmed to the people that their sins had been forgiven confirmed that he was the anointed one who would deliver the Israelites from their sins. The second fulfillment of the Messiah who delivered people from their sins took place when he was tortured, crucified and rose from the dead. These activities are recorded in the 26th, 27th and 28th chapters of this book of Matthew. This is also a fulfillment of Isaiah 53, which prophetically gives an account of the events in this chapter makes it clear that Jesus had died for the deliverance of mankind from sins. The Messiah had been prophesied a couple of centuries before he was born. Introducing Jesus as the Messiah enabled Matthew to erase the doubt from people’s mind that Jesus was the Messiah who had been prophesied by Prophet Isaiah and other prophets a couple of centuries earlier. He also seemed to justify his reasons of following Jesus as the people seemed to be unsure about his true nature. The accounts given in this book also provide a foundation for the gospel the disciples were preaching. Matthew wanted to convince, and give evidence to that generation, and the generations to come that the Jesus they had followed was the prophesied Messiah. According to Matthew, the Jesus character was the prophesied Messiah, the birth teachings, miracles, suffering, crucifixion, resurrection and Jesus ascension into heaven made these prophesies come true. In Matthew’s view, it was not about waiting for the Messiah, but it was now about preaching that the Messiah had come and made the long awaited deliverance. : King, James B. King James Bible. Cambridge [Eng.: Proquest LLC, 1996. Internet resource.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Outline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing Essays

Outline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing Essays Outline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing Essay Outline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing Essay How it shook the illusion held by many Americans of a nation safe from the political unrest and terrorism outside its borders (an illusion that would e shattered for good on 9/11). Addressing an argument from the opposing viewpoint (Not all Muslims were punished due to the stereotypes of Muslims being terrorists) A FBI had agents working on Foreign Terrorist Cases B. How the U. S. Punished Muslim states C. Racial and Racist punishment 1. In terms of the racial and racist representation of the terrorist, even when the police sketches of the two anonymous white male suspects (later identified as McVeigh and Nichols) were made public, not all white males came under suspicion, nor were they demonic, interrogated at airports, questioned about their patriotism or made o account or apologize for their religion (Will be inserted into paper) lb. The because of my thesis A. How the view of terrorist changed among U. S. Citizens B. Domestic Terrorists involved in major bombings 1 . In light of these events and warnings, why did the public, media and law enforcement officials immediately suspected Muslim terrorists for the attack? The choice of target was also significant and indicated domestic as opposed to international terrorism. (Will be inserted into paper) How Muslims caused bombings was focused upon greatly A. The differences in memorial and punishments B. An example of how this was done ( the Oklahoma City Bombing) 1. In the hours and days following the bombing, the media and law enforcement authorities focused on the Muslim terrorists they believed were responsible, including a Muslim Oklahoma City resident detained at Heathers Airport in London. (will be inserted in paper) C. How Muslims were hunted for in search of explanations to the bombings 1. On April 20th, one day after bombing, another Oklahoma City resident, Iraqi refugee Shari al-Mimosa, was attacked in his home as retaliation for the bombing (Will be inserted into paper) Conclusion: Due to the Oklahoma City Bombing, it was brought to the U. S. Citizens minds t hat to terrorize the United States you dont have to be a Muslim or a foreign enemy. It can be done by anyone in the world. HTTPS://caw. Oxford. Due/writing-tools-thesis-generator. HTML http:// www. Academia. Due/1929038/ 1 1 _and _ After Dad. Org/combating-hate/domestic-extremism-terrorism/c/the- significance-of-o Oklahoma-city-bombing. HTML Thesis Statement Guide Results Thesis Statement Model #1 : Sample Thesis Statement happily thoughts towards terrorism; Terrorists are commonly NOT Muslims or foreign enemies Thesis Statement Model #2: Thesis with Concession Notice that this model makes a concession by addressing an argument from t he opposing viewpoint first, and then uses the phrase even though and States the writer s opinion/main idea as a rebuttal. Even though Not all Muslims were punished by the U. S. , Due to the Oklahoma City Bombing, U. S. Citizens are corrected of their stereotypical thoughts towards terrorism; T rigorists are commonly NOT Muslims or foreign enemies. Thesis Statement Model Thesis with Reasons Here, the use of because reveals the reasons behind the writers opinion/ main idea. Because U. S. Citizens were not questioned of their motives until the first American terrorist bombing. Before then Muslims were doubted, questioned, and hated for all motives whether g DOD or not. , Due to the typical thought of Muslims being the ones to bomb buildings in the U. S. Many people showed hatred to all Muslims until an American terrorist, Timothy, had bomb De the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. And Timothy McVeigh and John J. Manager were both American Terrorist Bombers that were involved in major city building bombing gas.. Thesis Statement Model #4: Thesis with Concession and Reasons This model both makes a concession to opposing viewpoint and states the reasons/arguments for the writers main idea. While Not all Muslims were punished by the U. S. , Due to the Oklahoma City B numbing, U. S. Citizens are corrected of their stereotypical though ts towards terrorism; Terror risks are commonly NOT Muslims or foreign enemies. Because U. S. Citizens were not q questioned of their motives until the first American terrorist bombing. Before then Muslims were doubted, questioned, and hated for all motives whether good or not. , Due to the typical thought of Muslims being the ones to bomb buildings in the U. S. Many people showed h tater to all Muslims until an American terrorist, Timothy, had bombed the Federal Building g in Oklahoma City. , and -frothy McVeigh and John J. Manager were both American Terror sit Bombers that were involved in major city building bombings.. Remember: These thesis statements are generated based on the answers pro vided on the form. Use the Thesis Statement Guide as many times as you like. Your ideas a ND the results are anonymous and confidential. When you build a thesis statement that word KS for you, ensure that it addresses the assignment. Finally, you may have to rewrite the hisses statement so that the spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. Thesis Statement Guide: Sample Outline Use the outline below, which is based on the five-paragraph essay model, who en drafting a plan for your own essay. This is meant as a guide only, so we encourage you t o revise it in a way that works best for you. Introductory paragraph Start your introduction with an interesting hook to reel your reader in. An in transduction can begin with a rhetorical question, a quotation, an anecdote, a concession, an in tittering fact, or a question that will be answered in your paper. The idea is to begin broadly and gradually bring the reader closer to the main idea of the paper. At the end of the intros auction, you will pretentious thesis statement. The thesis statement model used in this exam peel is a thesis with reasons. rigorists are questioned, and hated for all motives whether good or not. , Due to the typical City. , and Timothy McVeigh and John J. Manager were both American Terror Paragraph #1 First, Due to the Oklahoma City Bombing U. S. Citizens are corrected of their SST erotically thoughts towards terrorism; Terrorists are commonly NOT Muslims or foreign enemies. Because LLC S. Citizens were not questioned of their motives until the first Aimer ICANN terrorist bombing. Before then Muslims were doubted, questioned, and hated for all motives whether good or not.. Notice that this Assertion is the first reason presented in the thesis statement . Remember that the thesis statement is a kind of mapping tool that helps you organize your ideas, and it helps your reader follow your argument. In this body paragraph, after the Ass erection, include any evidence-a quotation, statistic, data-that supports this first point. Explain what the evidence means. Show the reader how this entire paragraph connects back to the thesis statement. Paragraph #2 Additionally, Due to the typical thought of Muslims being the ones to bomb b alluding in the U. S. Many people showed hatred to all Muslims until an American terrorist, It mouthy, had bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City.. The first sentence of the second body paragraph should reflect an even strong gear Assertion to support the thesis statement. Generally, the second point listed in the thesis s tenement should be developed here. Like with the previous paragraph, include any evidence-?a quotation, tactics, data-that supports this point after the Assertion. Explain what the eve dance means. Show the reader how this entire paragraph connects back to the thesis state meet. Paragraph #3 Finally, the most important reason Due to the Oklahoma City Bombing, U. S. Chi tizzies are corrected of their stereotypical thoughts towards terrorism; Terrorists are co molly NOT Muslims or foreign enemies. Is Timothy McVeigh and John J. Manager were both American Terrorist Bombers that were involved in major city building bombings.. Your strongest point should be revealed in the final body paragraph.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Prompts are at the attachment document below Essay

Prompts are at the attachment document below - Essay Example There is no doubt that the concept of zombie apocalypse is quite popular at the present moment. As it was mentioned by the scholars â€Å"these days, however, catastrophic events not only threaten friends, family, and neighbors; they also become the stuff of endless repetitions and dramatizations on radio, television, and Internet† (Borg, 2003, p. 57). That is why one might see numerous television series about vampires or werewolves. However, the two series in question feature dramatically different approaches towards depiction of the event. Thus, The Walking Dead is largely considered to be a serious work of art. The characters tend to face difficult ethical choices and often make actions that are controversial. On the other hand, Z Nation represents a different approach: it is more focused on actions rather than ethical choices. Of course, there is space for character development; however, the time that shooting occupies in it is significantly bigger if compared to its counterpart. This shows that people like watching television series about zombies not to see the characters fight their own demons, but actually fight the real demons. In other words, there are two different approaches one of which uses zombie apocalypse as a background for exploring the real nature of the human beings and the other that strictly focuses on the post apocalyptic life. It is rather surprising that the above mentioned television series are not classified as horror movies, though they have all the attributes: the monsters, the blood and the gore. Nevertheless, they are perceived by the public as something than that. This can be explained by the fact that â€Å"very little about the underlying structure of horror images really changes over time† (Mathias Clasen, 2010, p. 313). In other words, the primary purpose of these television series is to explore the eternal questions about this world

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Human Nature Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Human Nature - Coursework Example It is a happiness of following own nature and fulfilling own higher idea and purpose. The feature, commonly shared by all the people, according to Aristotle, is the reason. Ability to reasoning lies at the core of human beings. Rational capacities impose person’s capability to explore the world and support and focus own decisions and acts. Thomas Aquinas supposed that moral law is a part of the universal divine plan. There are innate tendencies of human nature that have to be enhanced and thus promote the greater good. He stressed the importance of liberty of knowledge and freedom of choice. There are some conflicting points regarding the moral law. For example, according to Darwin’s theory, poor and weak deserve their suffering as the natural law in evolution theory states that the strongest survive. Health care seems to be contradicting. All the people have both people and animal natures. This means all the people contain some degree of aggression for survival. Thus, there are joint collective values for common good and survival, while other aspects may involve competitiveness, destructive features, etc. All the living creatures and systems are aimed to develop. It is seen through all the species. Systems and creatures evolve and become more complex. Eudaimonia means revealing and fulfilling own concept. Finding own role, in which a person may both achieve own happiness and promote the greater good for the maximum quantity of people is probably a natural law, which is imprinted into the human nature.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Impact of Internships on Graduate Employability Assignment

The Impact of Internships on Graduate Employability - Assignment Example The paper further focuses on the analysis of the normal career path for a post-internship candidate along with identifying the employment prospects from a long term and short term concern. Accumulatively, the paper has been focused on reviewing the value of internship in the current day context. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Analysis of the Current Graduate Labour Market Both General and Specific 4 Identify Skills, Knowledge & Aptitudes Required From Internships to Enter the Market 5 Identify the Medium and Long Term Prospects for Post-Internship Employment 7 Identify the Value of Internship 8 Conclusion & Recommendations 9 References 10 Introduction Lowden et al. (2011) stated that creating recruitment opportunities through placements and internships will not only provide an effectual functional method of encouraging suitable consciousness, capabilities and skills among the graduates but can also endorse creative teamwork and partnership within highly educated interns and employers. Basically, an internship is a part-time training program as per the academic world. In the present scenario, the issues regarding employability have emerged as the core concerns of the various higher education sectors all around the world. For instance, in 2010–2011, the UK government attempted to invest large sums in two internship schemes: for undergraduates and graduates. In January 2010, UK government also intended to deliver a funding amount of ?12.8 million to 57 universities and colleges in order to support the graduate internship programs. It has further been analysed that by the end of March 2011, under these schemes, 7,900 internships were already completed in the UK, which was apparent from the growth of employment within the national context (Hobijn et al., 2011). Analysis of the Current Graduate Labour Market Both General and Specific By taking into consideration the present situation of the employment market, it has often been argued that the unemployment rates, income growth of recent college graduates and the trends of part-time employment have declined after the cyclical recession of 2001, which indicates a direct relationship between employability and internship programmes (Hobijn et al., 2011). However, a global perspective depicts that during the period of 2007 to 2012, the trends of employability have been declining gradually, even though a growing concern was witnessed towards internship programs. This particular phenomenon has been apparent in the case of financial companies where the employers desire to recruit experienced candidates and where post-internship candidates are observed to gain better scope to enter into these competitive employability markets. However, conversely the candidates with no experience tend to face greater challenge in attaining employability affecting the overall employment growth in the global context (Hobijn et al., 2011). According to Kocherlakota (2010), it is viewed that this unrelenting high unemployment rate is due to huge structural frictions within the US labour market rather than the weak demand for employers who are associated with severe recessionary impacts. For instance, mismatch happens when employers are seeking for skills which are quite different from what available workers offer. It is in this context that internship offers career associated job experiences to a candidate

Monday, October 28, 2019

How to Run Essay Example for Free

How to Run Essay STATISTICAL TECHNIQUE IN REVIEW Mean (X) is a measure of central tendency and is the sum of the raw scores divided by the number of scores being summed. Standard deviation (SD) is calculated to measure dispersion or the spread of scores from the mean (Burns Grove, 2007). The larger the value of the standard deviation for study variables, the greater the dispersion or variability of the scores for the variable in a distribution. (See Exercise 16 for a detailed discussion of mean and standard deviation. ) Since the theoretical normal curve is symmetrical and unimodal, the mean, median, and mode are equal in the normal curve (see Figure 18-1). In the normal curve, 95% of the scores will be within 1.96 standard deviations of the mean, and 99% of scores are within 2.58 standard deviations of the mean. Figure 18-1 demonstrates the normal curve, with a.X = 0. The formula used to calculate the 95% rule to determine where 95% of the scores for the normal curve lie is: X ±1.96(SD) The formula used to calculate the 99% rule to determine where 99% of the scores for the normal curve lie is: X  ± 2.58 (SD) FIGURE 18-1 †¢ The Normal Curve Mean Median Mode Standard deviation -3 Zscore -2.58 -+2.58 131 133 Mean, Standard Deviation, and 95% and 99% of the Normal Curve EXERCISE 18 Participants reported a net increase in weight from 3 months prior (M= 2.4 Ib, SD 12.9 Ib) and 12 months prior (M = 10.9 Ib, SD = 19.1 Ib) and that their weight was greater than their ideal weight (M = 9.2 Ib, SD = 22.9 Ib). SDs for the data indicated a wide range on weight at both 3 and 12 months before participation in the study. Body image scores (0-100 scale) were significantly (F(1 37) = 5.41, p =.03) higher for women (73.1  ± 17.0) than men (60.2  ± 17.0). Although HIV-positive participants had slightly higher body image scores (M = 68.0, SD = 17.0) compared with participants with AIDS (M = 60.5, SD = 18.8), there was no significant difference (F(1 ,7, = 1.56, p —.22) in body image scores between [those with HIV and AIDS]. There was a weak, but significant, inverse association between body image score and weight changes from 3 months prior (r = -.30, p =.04). Body image and weight scores are summarized in Table 1 (Corless et al, 2004, p. 294). TABLE 1 Body Image and Weight Measures for Men and Women GENDER Male Female Mean Body image Weight change last 12 months Weight change last 3 months Weight relative to ideal Body weight ratio SD Mean SD 60.22 10.26 16.98 22.40 15.87 22,93 33.97 73.07 11.94 1.47 13.63 14.44 67.56 22.57 34.44 3.05 5.48 53.66 16.93 7.32 Corless, I. B., Nicholas, P. K., McGibbon, C. A., Wilson, C., (2004). Weight change, body image, and quality of life in HIV disease: A pilot study. Applied Nursing Research, 77(4), p. 294. A summary of quality-of-life scores for men and women is shown in Table 2. The scales of the MOS-HIV Quality of Life instrument include General Health Perceptions, Physical Functioning, Role Functioning, Social Functioning, Cognitive Functioning, Pain, Mental Health, Vitality, Health Distress, Quality of Life, and Heath Transition. There were no significant differences between quality of life scores between men and women. Men did have lower scores on some MOS-HIV scales (Cognitive Functioning, Pain, Quality of Life, and Health Transition) and women were lower on others (Vitality and Health Distress). In addition, there were a number of differences in the relationships between quality of life scores, body image, and body weight. The positive correlations indicated that improved quality of life was associated with improved body image (Corless et al., 2004, pp. 294-5). 132 EXERCISE 18 Mean, Standard Deviation, and 95% and 99% of the Normal Curve The data described below are the verbal SAT scores for high school seniors for one year with X = 490 and SD =100 (see Figure 18-2). The formula used to find where 95% of the scores lie is X  ± 1.96 (SD). In this example, 490 + 1.96 (100) = 686, and 490 1.96 (100) = 294. Thus 95% of scores lie between 294 and 686, expressed as (294, 686). Since 95% of the scores are between 294 and 686, this leaves 5% of the scores outside this interval. Since a normal curve is symmetric, one-half of the scores, or 2.5%, are at each end of this distribution. To find where 99% of scores lie,Z  ± 2.58 (SD), where 490 + 2.58 (100) = 748  and 490 2.58 (100) = 232. Thus, 99% of the SAT scores lie between 232 and 748, which is expressed as (232, 748). Since the distribution of these scores is normal, 99% of the scores are between 232 and 748 and 0.5% of the scores are at each end of this distribution. FIGURE 18-2 ft Distribution of SAT Scores SD=100 x = 490 Mean RESEARCH ARTICLE Source: Corless, I. B., Nicholas, P. K., McGibbon, C. A., Wilson, C, (2004). Weight change, body image, and quality of life in HIV disease: A pilot study. Applied Nursing Research 77(4), 292-6. Introduction The purpose of this pilot study [conducted by Corless and colleagues (2004)] was to investigate the relationships of weight change, body image, length of time with HIV/AIDS diagnosis, and quality of life in individuals with HIV disease (Corless et al., 2004, p. 292). The sample consisted of 40 subjects: 23 men and 17 women. The HIV-positive adults in a primary care clinic were asked to participate, so this study has a sample of convenience. The participants reported an increase in weight, greater than their ideal weight. The body image scores were found to be significantly higher for women, with the HIV-positive participants having slightly higher body image scores. A survey and Medical Outcomes Study-HIV (MOS-HIV) instruments were used as measurement methods for this study. The results indicated that when a persons weight is higher and closer to his or her ideal, HIV-positive individuals exhibit better quality of life. Thus, education of clinicians and individuals living with HIV/AI DS should focus on the assessment, management, and evaluation of weight change during the course of HIV disease (Corless et al., 2004, p. 292). Relevant Study Results The sample consisted of 23 men with a mean age of 42.2 years (SD = 8.2), length of time since diagnosis with HIV was 9.2 years (SD = 5.3); and 17 women with a mean age of 36.8 years (SD = 5.2), and length of time since diagnosis with HIV was 7.2 years (SD = 4.8). For men, 23 were HIV-positive and 9 had a diagnosis of AIDS; and for women, 17 were HIV positive, and 5 had a diagnosis of AIDS. There was no significant difference in demographic characteristics of the sample by age, gender, HIV disease status, and time living with HIV. Class: Name: Date: EXERCISE 18 Questions to be Graded 1. Assuming that the distribution is normal for weight relative to the ideal and 99% of the male participants scored between (-53.68, 64.64), where did 95% of the values for weight relative to the ideal lie? Round your answer to two decimal places. 2. Which of the following values from Table 1 tells us about variability of the scores in a distribution? a. 60.22 b. 11.94 c. 22.57 d. 53.66 3. Assuming that the distribution for General Health Perceptions is normal, 95% of the females scores around the mean were between what values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 4. Assuming that the distribution of scores for Pain is normal, 95% of the mens scores around the mean were between what two values? Round your answernto two decimal places. 5. Were the body image scores significantly different for women versus men? Provide a rationale for your 138 EXERCISE 18 Mean, Standard Deviation, and 95% and 99% of the Normal Curve 6. Assuming that the distribution of Mental Health scores for men is normal, where are 99% of the mens mental health scores around the mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places. 7. Assuming that the distribution of scores for Physical Functioning in women is normal, where are of the womens scores around the mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places. 8. Assuming that the distribution of scores is normal, 99% of HIV-positive body image scores around the mean were between what two values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 9. Assuming that the distribution of scores for Role Functioning is normal, 99% of the mens scores around the mean were between what values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 10. What are some of the limitations of this study that decrease the potential for generalizing the findings to the target population?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Important Role of Skeletal Muscles in the Human Body Essay

Skeletal muscles play a huge role in the way our bodies function because without muscles, our bones would not properly be held together. Most of the body’s muscle tissue is skeletal muscle. It interacts with the skeleton to move body parts. It’s long, thin cells are called fibers and they have more than one nucleus. Their structure gives them a striped look. The muscles are considered voluntary, which means that the contractions can be controlled. A skeletal muscle contains bundles of muscle cells. Inside each cell are threadlike myofibrils, which are divided into sarcomeres, the unit of contraction. They are bundled together by connective tissue that extends past it to form tendons. A tendon is a strap of dense connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone. Tendons make joints more stable by keeping the adjoining bones appropriately aligned. The human body has more than six hundred skeletal muscles. One end of the muscle is called the origin, which stays relatively motionless during contractions. The other end is called the insertion. It is attached to a bone that moves mostly while contractions occur. When a skeletal muscle contracts, it pulls on the bone it’s attached to. Because skeletal muscle exerts force only when it contracts, a second muscle, a flexor, is needed to flex or bend the joint. Muscles attach very close to muscle joints, and are arranged in either pairs or groups. Some of the muscles work in reciprocal innervation, or opposition. That is, when one muscle stimulates, no signals are sent to the other group. Therefore, it does not contract. Other muscles work in a synergistic role. That is, it supports and the contraction adds force or helps stabilize another muscle. The body has two basi... ...aracter plays a boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy who is sent to live at the Carrigmore Residential Home for the Disabled. He is only able to move his right hand, but befriends his roommate, who has cerebral palsy. In conclusion, the make up of our bodies relies on the health and stability of the muscular system, most importantly, our skeletal muscles. Without these muscles, our bodies would not be able to move and contract, which causes some of our everyday movements, such as flexing, and walking. Our bodies are actually more delicate than we are thought to believe. We were taught that our bodies are strong and that nothing can stop us. In reality, a single muscle can cause our entire body to diminish, proving the invalidity that our bodies are invincible. With that, we must learn to take care of our entire bodies, not just the outside, but the inside as well.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Domestic Terrorism in America Essay -- Islam Jihad and Terrorism Essay

"We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system."   -Ted Kaczynski  Ã‚   The sun rises to a deep spring-blue sky on Sunday the Fifth of May 2017; 51,000 people are converging on downtown Spokane for the 39th running of the Bloomsday road race. Thirty miles to the south, near the town of Fairfield, a small cluster of people watch from a distance as two men in protective coveralls and respirators pour fifty gallons of a clear fluid into the payload compartment of a Bell 300C helicopter. The crop duster, which was purchased for cash in Walla Walla, is a descendent of the Korean War era helicopters depicted on the television series MASH. After the liquid is loaded, and the outside of the helicopter is sanitized, the pilot runs through his preflight checklist and fires up the engine. Thirty minutes later, moments before the starter fires his gun into the air, the helicopter swoops in low over Riverside Avenue, coming from the east so the sun is to the pilot's back. As the pilot reaches the near edge of the crowd, his right hand depresses to trigger on the cont rol stick and begins to spray his payload on the assembled runners. Although the liquid evaporates before reaching the ground, most runners withdraw from the race. The continuing news coverage of the event reports that authorities are unable to trace the aircraft and cannot identify the mysterious liquid. Around 7:30 that same evening, the first of the exposure victims checks in to the Emergency Room at Sacred Heart Medical Center complaining of a general malaise. Before the hour is up, thirty more people are in the waiting room with a similar condition. By midnight, in a scene repeated at all of the Spokane area hospitals, hundreds of people line the hall... ...Port Townsend, WA: Loompanics Unlimited, 1997. "John Brown's Early Life." The John Brown Homepage. Norfolk Academy. 28 May 2014. Kaczynski, Ted. "Unabomber Manifesto." 1997 28 May 2014. Kuroda, Tadahisha. "Case Study: Shays Rebellion." GH 322 History and Political Thought of the American Revolution Home Page. Skidmore College. 28 May 2014. "Meet the E.L.F." Home Page. Earth Liberation Front. 2014 28 May 2014. "Shays' Rebellion." Wintergreen Associates. 2 July 2012 28 May 2014. "Terrorism". Federal Emergency Management Agency. 10 Jan. 2013 28 May 2014.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Follow your Dreams

Most important factor in anyone's life. If you really want to fulfill your dreams then surround yourself with positive successful people who believe in your dreams. Common fact, whatever we get for an intake, we try to make our self regarding an environment. Some of us can be think totally out of the box but what about others? This thing would happen with most of us. It is very important to know that What is our aim, What is our values in our own life because we mostly tried to listen random options from others.Lets give you my own example. When I turned 25, There is something make me think what I actually want in my life and why I am here as a Human. Being human is much better than human being. To earn a handsome salary is the only motto of my Life†¦ (laugh) My aim was constantly blow regarding an outer Winds. Sometimes it works, many times it doesn't. But one day, I remember very clearly I found something special which really turns my whole entire life. It was not a Special Qu ote or big counseling it was Just a ‘Broacher' for Mass CommunicationCollege in Pune. But many hesitations came across in my mind. It seems so many hurdles like how would I get enroll in that college. Is my choose is right or not blaa, blaa.. But one thing was very clear and that is whatever hilarious situation may be came across my way.. but I will never ever see back again. I made something so clear that† Writing† is the only thing which I Born for!! Then What BINGO!! Days were passed and today is the day where you all reading my penning, my own sketched career.While having walk in my desirable career I get some auspicious persons whose suggestions, attentions, even scolding words made my skills so stronger. It is been said that if you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time. Have something to aim for, a dream that you hold close dream is not Just mean to fulfill your dream. Joseph Murphy penned down a beautiful quotes in his world famous book ‘The unco nscious mind' that everyone get what they actually want, Just need to be transfer it in your nconscious mind that you are fulfilling everything what you exactly want.Everyone must think at once, Who you are and what you actually want? No matters whether you want to become Chef, Artists, Manager or even Writer. Simplify and identify your own way and go for a walk in your own path. Believe in yourself. Try to be an optimist in every sovereign situations. Try to introduce yourself a more powerful individual in this small Cosmos. Be like a Labor . And show your liability our laborite that you are not Just something but you are everything in your life.I Choose to live by choice not by chance, to make changes not excuses, to be motivated not manipulated, to be useful not used, to be excel not compete, I choose self- esteem not self pity, I choose to listen my inner voice, not the random options for others. And the bottom line is We are only responsible for our own Happiness. So go and get ready to make your own master piece because today is a perfect day to start living your dreams. Dreams don't work unless you do. Best Luck!!!!! Follow your Dreams By monicanagdeote

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Laws Dont Control Guns

or with fewer arrows violence will decrease. Violence is not a function of the weapon. It is a result of temporary and/or permanent state of mind. A gun can trigger violence no more than a knife, a sword, or an arrow can. In an average year five times as many ch... Free Essays on Laws Don't Control Guns Free Essays on Laws Don't Control Guns "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Second Amendment (United States constitution). Irrespective of all arguments pertaining to the syntax of the above, the fact remains that the amendment guarantees the contination of the right to keep and bear arms to the people (Gun Week September 1991). The question is whether today's world can accommodate this 200- year-old article whose amendment requires a two-thirds majority of each house and three-fourths of the states' vote; whose amendment process can be totally ruined by just a small percentage of the U.S. population. It is essential to understand that the constitution is not etched in stone. With the dawn of technological industry and formulation of automatic weapons, the US Government has prohibited sales and ownership of such since 1934. In 1993 the Brady Bill was passed resulting in a very obvious Show-Gun Loophole. Again in 1994 an act was passed resulting in prohibition of weapons within a said radius of schools and government buildings. Still further acts of installing safety features in guns to prevent tragedies have been points of controversy. Experience and reason dictate that laissez faire and totalitarian rules are equally harmful and fine boundaries need be drawn to fully capture the essence of democracy. Supporters of further gun control argue that with fewer guns violence will decrease. Tragedies involving minors will reduce and America will be a safer place to live. The argument is like saying that with fewer swords or with fewer arrows violence will decrease. Violence is not a function of the weapon. It is a result of temporary and/or permanent state of mind. A gun can trigger violence no more than a knife, a sword, or an arrow can. In an average year five times as many ch...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Racist Symbols essays

Racist Symbols essays White Power! screamed the intimidating group as they rode by on horses covered with white sheets waving the Confederate Flag. The horsemens identities were concealed too by white robes and white masks. A bystander then revealed this mysterious group was known as the Ku Klux Klan or the KKK. The fear in his eyes was obvious. Not a single soul knew what intentions the group had, but yet no one questioned it either. The Ku Klux Klan began as a prankish social organization that originated in the southern states during the period of Reconstruction. The activities at first were directed against Republican governments and their leaders, but it soon lead to the idea of white supremacy. The members dressed in white robes and white masks to make people fear them and to conceal their identity. Klansmen sometimes carried the Confederate flag which to some is a loved symbol of the south, but to the KKK it represented hate and racism. In the picture, Klansmen marched in Texas to preach white supremacy. Both the Union flag and the Confederate flag are visible in the picture. Some KKK groups carried the Union flag upside down because they felt that they had been betrayed by the government. By waving the flag upside down it was like a protest. The Confederate flag is a symbol that represented hate and racism. Most groups began to use this symbol based on the idea that it represented the southern states which fought to preserve slavery. It is important to remember that the KKK fought for white supremacy and believed every other race, especially African-Americans, were useless. Because of their widespread hate and racism among all cultures, it is interesting to see that in the picture there are no masks covering the Klansmens faces to protect their identities. I believe this image shows how much effort the KKK did to promote white supremacy. There were marches all over the United States ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Comparison Between Hamlet and Great Expectations

Comparison Between Hamlet and Great Expectations Hamlet and Great Expectations are two books in which the topic of alienation is apparent. Both Hamlet and Pip are alienated for different reasons. Hamlet, a prince of noble birth, only sees the negative side of life. He feels the world is a place full of corruption with distorted people living in it. Because his moral standards are so high, he avoids all human contact and isolates himself from people. Pip on the other hand, was born in a low social class, and was ambitious to become a gentleman. This ambition drives him to alienation from lower class people. His selfish and greedy behaviour caused him to abandon the forge, which symbolizes the human warmth he once had. In this essay, I will compare and contrast some points where alienation is present in both Pip and Hamlet due to their flaws, sufferance, circumstances and influence of corruption around them. Both Pip and Hamlet have human flaws and weaknesses. Pips weakness, however, is more self-directed. He has a desire to become a gentleman. He felt that this would be a road to his happiness, to escape his lowly birth. Great Expectations was set in early Victorian times in England, where there was a wide gap between social classes. Pip wanted to be looked up to, just like the other upper class gentlemen. He therefore adapts to the strict rules and expectations that governed Victorian England. Pips ambition begins to dominate over him, which results in him abandoning Joe, Biddy and the forge. He feels that becoming a gentleman would fulfill him. This desire is somewhat linked to his obsession with Estella. Estella, being part of a higher social class, makes Pip feel inferior. This additionally provokes Pip to want to become a gentleman, for it is only then that he feels he will be worthy of her love. Controversially to Pip who has no responsibility outside himsel!