Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Impact of Internships on Graduate Employability Assignment

The Impact of Internships on Graduate Employability - Assignment Example The paper further focuses on the analysis of the normal career path for a post-internship candidate along with identifying the employment prospects from a long term and short term concern. Accumulatively, the paper has been focused on reviewing the value of internship in the current day context. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Analysis of the Current Graduate Labour Market Both General and Specific 4 Identify Skills, Knowledge & Aptitudes Required From Internships to Enter the Market 5 Identify the Medium and Long Term Prospects for Post-Internship Employment 7 Identify the Value of Internship 8 Conclusion & Recommendations 9 References 10 Introduction Lowden et al. (2011) stated that creating recruitment opportunities through placements and internships will not only provide an effectual functional method of encouraging suitable consciousness, capabilities and skills among the graduates but can also endorse creative teamwork and partnership within highly educated interns and employers. Basically, an internship is a part-time training program as per the academic world. In the present scenario, the issues regarding employability have emerged as the core concerns of the various higher education sectors all around the world. For instance, in 2010–2011, the UK government attempted to invest large sums in two internship schemes: for undergraduates and graduates. In January 2010, UK government also intended to deliver a funding amount of ?12.8 million to 57 universities and colleges in order to support the graduate internship programs. It has further been analysed that by the end of March 2011, under these schemes, 7,900 internships were already completed in the UK, which was apparent from the growth of employment within the national context (Hobijn et al., 2011). Analysis of the Current Graduate Labour Market Both General and Specific By taking into consideration the present situation of the employment market, it has often been argued that the unemployment rates, income growth of recent college graduates and the trends of part-time employment have declined after the cyclical recession of 2001, which indicates a direct relationship between employability and internship programmes (Hobijn et al., 2011). However, a global perspective depicts that during the period of 2007 to 2012, the trends of employability have been declining gradually, even though a growing concern was witnessed towards internship programs. This particular phenomenon has been apparent in the case of financial companies where the employers desire to recruit experienced candidates and where post-internship candidates are observed to gain better scope to enter into these competitive employability markets. However, conversely the candidates with no experience tend to face greater challenge in attaining employability affecting the overall employment growth in the global context (Hobijn et al., 2011). According to Kocherlakota (2010), it is viewed that this unrelenting high unemployment rate is due to huge structural frictions within the US labour market rather than the weak demand for employers who are associated with severe recessionary impacts. For instance, mismatch happens when employers are seeking for skills which are quite different from what available workers offer. It is in this context that internship offers career associated job experiences to a candidate

Monday, October 28, 2019

How to Run Essay Example for Free

How to Run Essay STATISTICAL TECHNIQUE IN REVIEW Mean (X) is a measure of central tendency and is the sum of the raw scores divided by the number of scores being summed. Standard deviation (SD) is calculated to measure dispersion or the spread of scores from the mean (Burns Grove, 2007). The larger the value of the standard deviation for study variables, the greater the dispersion or variability of the scores for the variable in a distribution. (See Exercise 16 for a detailed discussion of mean and standard deviation. ) Since the theoretical normal curve is symmetrical and unimodal, the mean, median, and mode are equal in the normal curve (see Figure 18-1). In the normal curve, 95% of the scores will be within 1.96 standard deviations of the mean, and 99% of scores are within 2.58 standard deviations of the mean. Figure 18-1 demonstrates the normal curve, with a.X = 0. The formula used to calculate the 95% rule to determine where 95% of the scores for the normal curve lie is: X ±1.96(SD) The formula used to calculate the 99% rule to determine where 99% of the scores for the normal curve lie is: X  ± 2.58 (SD) FIGURE 18-1 †¢ The Normal Curve Mean Median Mode Standard deviation -3 Zscore -2.58 -+2.58 131 133 Mean, Standard Deviation, and 95% and 99% of the Normal Curve EXERCISE 18 Participants reported a net increase in weight from 3 months prior (M= 2.4 Ib, SD 12.9 Ib) and 12 months prior (M = 10.9 Ib, SD = 19.1 Ib) and that their weight was greater than their ideal weight (M = 9.2 Ib, SD = 22.9 Ib). SDs for the data indicated a wide range on weight at both 3 and 12 months before participation in the study. Body image scores (0-100 scale) were significantly (F(1 37) = 5.41, p =.03) higher for women (73.1  ± 17.0) than men (60.2  ± 17.0). Although HIV-positive participants had slightly higher body image scores (M = 68.0, SD = 17.0) compared with participants with AIDS (M = 60.5, SD = 18.8), there was no significant difference (F(1 ,7, = 1.56, p —.22) in body image scores between [those with HIV and AIDS]. There was a weak, but significant, inverse association between body image score and weight changes from 3 months prior (r = -.30, p =.04). Body image and weight scores are summarized in Table 1 (Corless et al, 2004, p. 294). TABLE 1 Body Image and Weight Measures for Men and Women GENDER Male Female Mean Body image Weight change last 12 months Weight change last 3 months Weight relative to ideal Body weight ratio SD Mean SD 60.22 10.26 16.98 22.40 15.87 22,93 33.97 73.07 11.94 1.47 13.63 14.44 67.56 22.57 34.44 3.05 5.48 53.66 16.93 7.32 Corless, I. B., Nicholas, P. K., McGibbon, C. A., Wilson, C., (2004). Weight change, body image, and quality of life in HIV disease: A pilot study. Applied Nursing Research, 77(4), p. 294. A summary of quality-of-life scores for men and women is shown in Table 2. The scales of the MOS-HIV Quality of Life instrument include General Health Perceptions, Physical Functioning, Role Functioning, Social Functioning, Cognitive Functioning, Pain, Mental Health, Vitality, Health Distress, Quality of Life, and Heath Transition. There were no significant differences between quality of life scores between men and women. Men did have lower scores on some MOS-HIV scales (Cognitive Functioning, Pain, Quality of Life, and Health Transition) and women were lower on others (Vitality and Health Distress). In addition, there were a number of differences in the relationships between quality of life scores, body image, and body weight. The positive correlations indicated that improved quality of life was associated with improved body image (Corless et al., 2004, pp. 294-5). 132 EXERCISE 18 Mean, Standard Deviation, and 95% and 99% of the Normal Curve The data described below are the verbal SAT scores for high school seniors for one year with X = 490 and SD =100 (see Figure 18-2). The formula used to find where 95% of the scores lie is X  ± 1.96 (SD). In this example, 490 + 1.96 (100) = 686, and 490 1.96 (100) = 294. Thus 95% of scores lie between 294 and 686, expressed as (294, 686). Since 95% of the scores are between 294 and 686, this leaves 5% of the scores outside this interval. Since a normal curve is symmetric, one-half of the scores, or 2.5%, are at each end of this distribution. To find where 99% of scores lie,Z  ± 2.58 (SD), where 490 + 2.58 (100) = 748  and 490 2.58 (100) = 232. Thus, 99% of the SAT scores lie between 232 and 748, which is expressed as (232, 748). Since the distribution of these scores is normal, 99% of the scores are between 232 and 748 and 0.5% of the scores are at each end of this distribution. FIGURE 18-2 ft Distribution of SAT Scores SD=100 x = 490 Mean RESEARCH ARTICLE Source: Corless, I. B., Nicholas, P. K., McGibbon, C. A., Wilson, C, (2004). Weight change, body image, and quality of life in HIV disease: A pilot study. Applied Nursing Research 77(4), 292-6. Introduction The purpose of this pilot study [conducted by Corless and colleagues (2004)] was to investigate the relationships of weight change, body image, length of time with HIV/AIDS diagnosis, and quality of life in individuals with HIV disease (Corless et al., 2004, p. 292). The sample consisted of 40 subjects: 23 men and 17 women. The HIV-positive adults in a primary care clinic were asked to participate, so this study has a sample of convenience. The participants reported an increase in weight, greater than their ideal weight. The body image scores were found to be significantly higher for women, with the HIV-positive participants having slightly higher body image scores. A survey and Medical Outcomes Study-HIV (MOS-HIV) instruments were used as measurement methods for this study. The results indicated that when a persons weight is higher and closer to his or her ideal, HIV-positive individuals exhibit better quality of life. Thus, education of clinicians and individuals living with HIV/AI DS should focus on the assessment, management, and evaluation of weight change during the course of HIV disease (Corless et al., 2004, p. 292). Relevant Study Results The sample consisted of 23 men with a mean age of 42.2 years (SD = 8.2), length of time since diagnosis with HIV was 9.2 years (SD = 5.3); and 17 women with a mean age of 36.8 years (SD = 5.2), and length of time since diagnosis with HIV was 7.2 years (SD = 4.8). For men, 23 were HIV-positive and 9 had a diagnosis of AIDS; and for women, 17 were HIV positive, and 5 had a diagnosis of AIDS. There was no significant difference in demographic characteristics of the sample by age, gender, HIV disease status, and time living with HIV. Class: Name: Date: EXERCISE 18 Questions to be Graded 1. Assuming that the distribution is normal for weight relative to the ideal and 99% of the male participants scored between (-53.68, 64.64), where did 95% of the values for weight relative to the ideal lie? Round your answer to two decimal places. 2. Which of the following values from Table 1 tells us about variability of the scores in a distribution? a. 60.22 b. 11.94 c. 22.57 d. 53.66 3. Assuming that the distribution for General Health Perceptions is normal, 95% of the females scores around the mean were between what values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 4. Assuming that the distribution of scores for Pain is normal, 95% of the mens scores around the mean were between what two values? Round your answernto two decimal places. 5. Were the body image scores significantly different for women versus men? Provide a rationale for your 138 EXERCISE 18 Mean, Standard Deviation, and 95% and 99% of the Normal Curve 6. Assuming that the distribution of Mental Health scores for men is normal, where are 99% of the mens mental health scores around the mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places. 7. Assuming that the distribution of scores for Physical Functioning in women is normal, where are of the womens scores around the mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places. 8. Assuming that the distribution of scores is normal, 99% of HIV-positive body image scores around the mean were between what two values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 9. Assuming that the distribution of scores for Role Functioning is normal, 99% of the mens scores around the mean were between what values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 10. What are some of the limitations of this study that decrease the potential for generalizing the findings to the target population?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Important Role of Skeletal Muscles in the Human Body Essay

Skeletal muscles play a huge role in the way our bodies function because without muscles, our bones would not properly be held together. Most of the body’s muscle tissue is skeletal muscle. It interacts with the skeleton to move body parts. It’s long, thin cells are called fibers and they have more than one nucleus. Their structure gives them a striped look. The muscles are considered voluntary, which means that the contractions can be controlled. A skeletal muscle contains bundles of muscle cells. Inside each cell are threadlike myofibrils, which are divided into sarcomeres, the unit of contraction. They are bundled together by connective tissue that extends past it to form tendons. A tendon is a strap of dense connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone. Tendons make joints more stable by keeping the adjoining bones appropriately aligned. The human body has more than six hundred skeletal muscles. One end of the muscle is called the origin, which stays relatively motionless during contractions. The other end is called the insertion. It is attached to a bone that moves mostly while contractions occur. When a skeletal muscle contracts, it pulls on the bone it’s attached to. Because skeletal muscle exerts force only when it contracts, a second muscle, a flexor, is needed to flex or bend the joint. Muscles attach very close to muscle joints, and are arranged in either pairs or groups. Some of the muscles work in reciprocal innervation, or opposition. That is, when one muscle stimulates, no signals are sent to the other group. Therefore, it does not contract. Other muscles work in a synergistic role. That is, it supports and the contraction adds force or helps stabilize another muscle. The body has two basi... ...aracter plays a boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy who is sent to live at the Carrigmore Residential Home for the Disabled. He is only able to move his right hand, but befriends his roommate, who has cerebral palsy. In conclusion, the make up of our bodies relies on the health and stability of the muscular system, most importantly, our skeletal muscles. Without these muscles, our bodies would not be able to move and contract, which causes some of our everyday movements, such as flexing, and walking. Our bodies are actually more delicate than we are thought to believe. We were taught that our bodies are strong and that nothing can stop us. In reality, a single muscle can cause our entire body to diminish, proving the invalidity that our bodies are invincible. With that, we must learn to take care of our entire bodies, not just the outside, but the inside as well.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Domestic Terrorism in America Essay -- Islam Jihad and Terrorism Essay

"We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system."   -Ted Kaczynski  Ã‚   The sun rises to a deep spring-blue sky on Sunday the Fifth of May 2017; 51,000 people are converging on downtown Spokane for the 39th running of the Bloomsday road race. Thirty miles to the south, near the town of Fairfield, a small cluster of people watch from a distance as two men in protective coveralls and respirators pour fifty gallons of a clear fluid into the payload compartment of a Bell 300C helicopter. The crop duster, which was purchased for cash in Walla Walla, is a descendent of the Korean War era helicopters depicted on the television series MASH. After the liquid is loaded, and the outside of the helicopter is sanitized, the pilot runs through his preflight checklist and fires up the engine. Thirty minutes later, moments before the starter fires his gun into the air, the helicopter swoops in low over Riverside Avenue, coming from the east so the sun is to the pilot's back. As the pilot reaches the near edge of the crowd, his right hand depresses to trigger on the cont rol stick and begins to spray his payload on the assembled runners. Although the liquid evaporates before reaching the ground, most runners withdraw from the race. The continuing news coverage of the event reports that authorities are unable to trace the aircraft and cannot identify the mysterious liquid. Around 7:30 that same evening, the first of the exposure victims checks in to the Emergency Room at Sacred Heart Medical Center complaining of a general malaise. Before the hour is up, thirty more people are in the waiting room with a similar condition. By midnight, in a scene repeated at all of the Spokane area hospitals, hundreds of people line the hall... ...Port Townsend, WA: Loompanics Unlimited, 1997. "John Brown's Early Life." The John Brown Homepage. Norfolk Academy. 28 May 2014. Kaczynski, Ted. "Unabomber Manifesto." 1997 28 May 2014. Kuroda, Tadahisha. "Case Study: Shays Rebellion." GH 322 History and Political Thought of the American Revolution Home Page. Skidmore College. 28 May 2014. "Meet the E.L.F." Home Page. Earth Liberation Front. 2014 28 May 2014. "Shays' Rebellion." Wintergreen Associates. 2 July 2012 28 May 2014. "Terrorism". Federal Emergency Management Agency. 10 Jan. 2013 28 May 2014.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Follow your Dreams

Most important factor in anyone's life. If you really want to fulfill your dreams then surround yourself with positive successful people who believe in your dreams. Common fact, whatever we get for an intake, we try to make our self regarding an environment. Some of us can be think totally out of the box but what about others? This thing would happen with most of us. It is very important to know that What is our aim, What is our values in our own life because we mostly tried to listen random options from others.Lets give you my own example. When I turned 25, There is something make me think what I actually want in my life and why I am here as a Human. Being human is much better than human being. To earn a handsome salary is the only motto of my Life†¦ (laugh) My aim was constantly blow regarding an outer Winds. Sometimes it works, many times it doesn't. But one day, I remember very clearly I found something special which really turns my whole entire life. It was not a Special Qu ote or big counseling it was Just a ‘Broacher' for Mass CommunicationCollege in Pune. But many hesitations came across in my mind. It seems so many hurdles like how would I get enroll in that college. Is my choose is right or not blaa, blaa.. But one thing was very clear and that is whatever hilarious situation may be came across my way.. but I will never ever see back again. I made something so clear that† Writing† is the only thing which I Born for!! Then What BINGO!! Days were passed and today is the day where you all reading my penning, my own sketched career.While having walk in my desirable career I get some auspicious persons whose suggestions, attentions, even scolding words made my skills so stronger. It is been said that if you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time. Have something to aim for, a dream that you hold close dream is not Just mean to fulfill your dream. Joseph Murphy penned down a beautiful quotes in his world famous book ‘The unco nscious mind' that everyone get what they actually want, Just need to be transfer it in your nconscious mind that you are fulfilling everything what you exactly want.Everyone must think at once, Who you are and what you actually want? No matters whether you want to become Chef, Artists, Manager or even Writer. Simplify and identify your own way and go for a walk in your own path. Believe in yourself. Try to be an optimist in every sovereign situations. Try to introduce yourself a more powerful individual in this small Cosmos. Be like a Labor . And show your liability our laborite that you are not Just something but you are everything in your life.I Choose to live by choice not by chance, to make changes not excuses, to be motivated not manipulated, to be useful not used, to be excel not compete, I choose self- esteem not self pity, I choose to listen my inner voice, not the random options for others. And the bottom line is We are only responsible for our own Happiness. So go and get ready to make your own master piece because today is a perfect day to start living your dreams. Dreams don't work unless you do. Best Luck!!!!! Follow your Dreams By monicanagdeote

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Laws Dont Control Guns

or with fewer arrows violence will decrease. Violence is not a function of the weapon. It is a result of temporary and/or permanent state of mind. A gun can trigger violence no more than a knife, a sword, or an arrow can. In an average year five times as many ch... Free Essays on Laws Don't Control Guns Free Essays on Laws Don't Control Guns "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Second Amendment (United States constitution). Irrespective of all arguments pertaining to the syntax of the above, the fact remains that the amendment guarantees the contination of the right to keep and bear arms to the people (Gun Week September 1991). The question is whether today's world can accommodate this 200- year-old article whose amendment requires a two-thirds majority of each house and three-fourths of the states' vote; whose amendment process can be totally ruined by just a small percentage of the U.S. population. It is essential to understand that the constitution is not etched in stone. With the dawn of technological industry and formulation of automatic weapons, the US Government has prohibited sales and ownership of such since 1934. In 1993 the Brady Bill was passed resulting in a very obvious Show-Gun Loophole. Again in 1994 an act was passed resulting in prohibition of weapons within a said radius of schools and government buildings. Still further acts of installing safety features in guns to prevent tragedies have been points of controversy. Experience and reason dictate that laissez faire and totalitarian rules are equally harmful and fine boundaries need be drawn to fully capture the essence of democracy. Supporters of further gun control argue that with fewer guns violence will decrease. Tragedies involving minors will reduce and America will be a safer place to live. The argument is like saying that with fewer swords or with fewer arrows violence will decrease. Violence is not a function of the weapon. It is a result of temporary and/or permanent state of mind. A gun can trigger violence no more than a knife, a sword, or an arrow can. In an average year five times as many ch...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Racist Symbols essays

Racist Symbols essays White Power! screamed the intimidating group as they rode by on horses covered with white sheets waving the Confederate Flag. The horsemens identities were concealed too by white robes and white masks. A bystander then revealed this mysterious group was known as the Ku Klux Klan or the KKK. The fear in his eyes was obvious. Not a single soul knew what intentions the group had, but yet no one questioned it either. The Ku Klux Klan began as a prankish social organization that originated in the southern states during the period of Reconstruction. The activities at first were directed against Republican governments and their leaders, but it soon lead to the idea of white supremacy. The members dressed in white robes and white masks to make people fear them and to conceal their identity. Klansmen sometimes carried the Confederate flag which to some is a loved symbol of the south, but to the KKK it represented hate and racism. In the picture, Klansmen marched in Texas to preach white supremacy. Both the Union flag and the Confederate flag are visible in the picture. Some KKK groups carried the Union flag upside down because they felt that they had been betrayed by the government. By waving the flag upside down it was like a protest. The Confederate flag is a symbol that represented hate and racism. Most groups began to use this symbol based on the idea that it represented the southern states which fought to preserve slavery. It is important to remember that the KKK fought for white supremacy and believed every other race, especially African-Americans, were useless. Because of their widespread hate and racism among all cultures, it is interesting to see that in the picture there are no masks covering the Klansmens faces to protect their identities. I believe this image shows how much effort the KKK did to promote white supremacy. There were marches all over the United States ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Comparison Between Hamlet and Great Expectations

Comparison Between Hamlet and Great Expectations Hamlet and Great Expectations are two books in which the topic of alienation is apparent. Both Hamlet and Pip are alienated for different reasons. Hamlet, a prince of noble birth, only sees the negative side of life. He feels the world is a place full of corruption with distorted people living in it. Because his moral standards are so high, he avoids all human contact and isolates himself from people. Pip on the other hand, was born in a low social class, and was ambitious to become a gentleman. This ambition drives him to alienation from lower class people. His selfish and greedy behaviour caused him to abandon the forge, which symbolizes the human warmth he once had. In this essay, I will compare and contrast some points where alienation is present in both Pip and Hamlet due to their flaws, sufferance, circumstances and influence of corruption around them. Both Pip and Hamlet have human flaws and weaknesses. Pips weakness, however, is more self-directed. He has a desire to become a gentleman. He felt that this would be a road to his happiness, to escape his lowly birth. Great Expectations was set in early Victorian times in England, where there was a wide gap between social classes. Pip wanted to be looked up to, just like the other upper class gentlemen. He therefore adapts to the strict rules and expectations that governed Victorian England. Pips ambition begins to dominate over him, which results in him abandoning Joe, Biddy and the forge. He feels that becoming a gentleman would fulfill him. This desire is somewhat linked to his obsession with Estella. Estella, being part of a higher social class, makes Pip feel inferior. This additionally provokes Pip to want to become a gentleman, for it is only then that he feels he will be worthy of her love. Controversially to Pip who has no responsibility outside himsel!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 153

Summary - Essay Example It is noted that by going to the public too frequently causes people to pay less attention to the president. Different assumptions were reviewed as the president was not to go to the public unless the public supported his view otherwise the Congress would vote against him. Also the president had to gain influence on the policy issues he had chosen to promote the public appeals. The president’s likelihood to appeal to the public over issues that would increase if the A president’s public opinion apparatus was designed to provide the administration with a comprehensive view of the public’s preferences. Who as a voracious consumer of the public opinion, President Johnson had sought to assess the state of it from a various sources, including both polls and mail addressed to him by the ordinary citizens.   At white House two types of opinion provided different stories as to the direction the salience of the public sentiment regarding the Vietnam War. Difference in opinion between the public and the opinion polls and the mail opinion may have been given bby the Johnson administration as a good reason to think that they could lead a loyal opinion on Vietnam, which was more hawkish than those registered by the polls of the masses rallying for the war protesters. These findings helped them to resolve interpretations of President Johnson’s strangeness with the public opinion during the Vietnam War, since he was clearer as to give the kind of opinion the president was following. They clearly demonstrated the importance of including mail opinion in the studies of the public support toward the presidential policies, and the response of the administration to it. This were the most publicized and controversial battles that had occurred at Khesanh which happened both on the ground and air in January 20. There was a final which was known as the Tet Offensive which

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ritual Development (popular culture) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ritual Development (popular culture) - Assignment Example They often emphasize what is important e.g. graduation ceremonies show the importance placed on education. In Islam once one reaches puberty one is obliged to carry out prayers according to Sharia law, because prayer is one of the pillars of Islam.. Some are quite modern as in the American Jewish Bat Mitzvah which was first enacted in 1922. In my own family some are related directly to faith beliefs such as the way in which washing is carried out before prayer. Others are indirectly so, and are more like folk lore, such as eating a particular food to celebrate Eid and making a light hearted wish. We do not believe that these wishes are likely to come true, but this is a family ritual which helps us to be united in a quickly changing world. Such rituals give stability to a family and to the wider society. Something that doesn’t change in a confused world. A ritual I would like to develop in our family is family walks after Sunday lunch. Some would see this as a more hobby, but claiming it as a ritual means it is more likely to be carried out and the family would be regularly sharing in an enjoyable

Info technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Info technology - Essay Example This article mainly focuses on the approach to be implemented to improve the Supply Chain Management in order to effectively cut down on excess costs. The author discusses how different companies implement the present Supply Chain Management principle and expect different and better results whereas this is not possible. The author states in this article that to gain better profit margins and to gain a better hold over the market, each company has to come up with its own Supply Chain Management principle which suits that company. Despite the changes such as Globalization, Real-Time Supply Chain Process, Lean Management for Waste Reduction, Accounting Rules and Transparency of sales and acceptance, companies present since ninety years back function the same way as they did then. The author suggests the old business principles to be dropped and new improvised ones be implemented. The approach should be more of a strategy than being jut a principle. The first step is to design the a new architecture for the Supply Chain Management. The second step is to define the process, people and technology. The third step is to use resources effectively. The fourth and the final step is to include the scope, breadth and complexity of supply chains. Discussion: Supply Chain Management involves co-ordinating and integrating the flow of materials, information and finances from supplier to manufacturer to retailer to consumer both within and among companies (Ayers, 2000). The product flow involves the flow or movement of raw materials from the supplier to the manufacturer and the movement of products from the manufacturer to the wholesaler to retailer to the consumer. The information flow involves the flow of information such as transmitting orders and updating the status of delivery. Flow of finances includes transfer of credit, payment schedules, etc. Supply Chain Management makes use of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Choice and Relevance of the Name Healer to Refer Nurses Research Paper

Choice and Relevance of the Name Healer to Refer Nurses - Research Paper Example Nurses, given their delicate position and weird characters occupying the world, attract ridicule in order to undermine their work. This paper discusses some effects that these ridicules that include nicknames might have, and finds out some of the ways these could be avoided in order to pursue the nursing career in full swing. The identity that the name ‘healers’ gives to the nurses sure uplifts their image and the impact of this is also discussed. Lastly, various perspectives from various spheres of the term ‘healer’ are compared with the current scenario and a conclusion summing up the general ideas of the paper finalizes the paper. Thesis: The name ‘healer’ is well deserved to nurses globally as they have shown the quality, commitment, compassion, and competence it takes to take part in the healing process of a patient, right from the beginning to the end. Introduction What rings in one’s mind with the mention of the word ‘Healer? ’ The obvious guess would be the good doctor. ...This argument may qualify the fact that indeed nurses are healers (Watson, 1985). A healer is defined as an individual who oversees the transformation of a patient from unsound or ill condition to a healthy form. Healing does not just comprise of putting one into a sound form, but rather, healing is an umbrella to many objectives that a patient should transcend on his or her way to recovery. These include psychological, physical and social healing. With the definition of healing looked at from this perception, one might rethink the reference of doctors as healers, and rather give that honor to the nurses. Nurses are professions in the medical world that carry the obligation of human care in the community, families or individual in order to foster recovery, maintain a healthy condition and live a healthy life. They have the most responsibility in the world of medicine apart from just being the doctor helper. They truly deserve t o be called ‘healers’ because they are involved with a patient right from the beginning, to that very moment that the patients depart from the hospital. This paper shall carefully analyze the weight that this name carries and try to find the basis of the whole process of naming and some of the factors that go along naming. The name ‘healer’ is well deserved to nurses globally as they have shown the quality, commitment, compassion, and competence it takes to take part in the healing process of a patient, right from the beginning to the end. What’s in a name? Names go beyond the essence of just identity.

In what specific ways do you plan to think or live differently or to Essay

In what specific ways do you plan to think or live differently or to carry out your personal or professional roles differently a - Essay Example But these are also the lessons that are learnt from anthropology. Anthropology is the science of mankind. Anthropology can be considered a consequential effect of age of exploration. In the 17th century it started developing when the Europeans started interacting with the natives of their colonies. In the beginning this was used to understand and manipulate the natives so that they can become submissive slaves. It was also used to trace their descent. However, in the 18th century, Renaissance brought an enlightening phase for anthropology. Thinkers started talking of equality. Anthropology evolved for the better and became perhaps the most important discipline. Since Renaissance, anthropology has been trying to establish how despite apparent differences, all human beings are the same. It helps people see beyond these differences and also in tackling problems that arise from these differences. So whenever people are coexisting with differences, anthropology is needed. That is why it w as a need of age of exploration. This is what it is happening even now and will continue to happen. It helps in interaction when there is diversity by avoiding friction due to lack of understanding of others. Even today, humans are dependent on it even though it has been said that we are living in a time when the world has acquired an almost common culture. It remains important because each individual is very different from the other one. Even identical twins are different. They learn how to interact with the members of the society and even with each other gradually. They are aided in this by their mother or other mature people. The guidelines that she is giving are some of the lessons we learn from anthropology. So it is safe to say that anthropology makes bridges and is needed by everyone. In addition to that, it also teaches you how to cross that bridge. It does this not by burdening you with weighty theories or laws. Instead it tells you what you should expect. It makes you matu re. You become intellectually independent when you are able to think of possibilities. In simple words, it means that anthropology has made the initiation and the process of socialization very smooth and easy. There is no cost of it for example the person does not have to think critically or repetitively. Instead, anthropology has done something opposite and comes with a fringe benefit. It has granted freedom by maturing people. They do not have to be studious or calculating but just a bit considerate. Anthropology can judged to be superior to all social sciences. Social sciences include sociology, psychology, politics, economics, history, geography and cultural studies. All these subjects try to explain aspects of human nature or behavior using one frame only. They are not deep at all. Anthropology is better than all these because it has a thorough and holistic approach. It seeks to study, understand and explain a phenomenon with respect to all the aspects. Out of all these aspects , there is special emphasis on culture. It is because nothing is contained in a vacuum. However all the social sciences ignore this crucial aspect. They have a narrow base. They just have rigid theories which are only applicable in utopia. Utopia does not

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Choice and Relevance of the Name Healer to Refer Nurses Research Paper

Choice and Relevance of the Name Healer to Refer Nurses - Research Paper Example Nurses, given their delicate position and weird characters occupying the world, attract ridicule in order to undermine their work. This paper discusses some effects that these ridicules that include nicknames might have, and finds out some of the ways these could be avoided in order to pursue the nursing career in full swing. The identity that the name ‘healers’ gives to the nurses sure uplifts their image and the impact of this is also discussed. Lastly, various perspectives from various spheres of the term ‘healer’ are compared with the current scenario and a conclusion summing up the general ideas of the paper finalizes the paper. Thesis: The name ‘healer’ is well deserved to nurses globally as they have shown the quality, commitment, compassion, and competence it takes to take part in the healing process of a patient, right from the beginning to the end. Introduction What rings in one’s mind with the mention of the word ‘Healer? ’ The obvious guess would be the good doctor. ...This argument may qualify the fact that indeed nurses are healers (Watson, 1985). A healer is defined as an individual who oversees the transformation of a patient from unsound or ill condition to a healthy form. Healing does not just comprise of putting one into a sound form, but rather, healing is an umbrella to many objectives that a patient should transcend on his or her way to recovery. These include psychological, physical and social healing. With the definition of healing looked at from this perception, one might rethink the reference of doctors as healers, and rather give that honor to the nurses. Nurses are professions in the medical world that carry the obligation of human care in the community, families or individual in order to foster recovery, maintain a healthy condition and live a healthy life. They have the most responsibility in the world of medicine apart from just being the doctor helper. They truly deserve t o be called ‘healers’ because they are involved with a patient right from the beginning, to that very moment that the patients depart from the hospital. This paper shall carefully analyze the weight that this name carries and try to find the basis of the whole process of naming and some of the factors that go along naming. The name ‘healer’ is well deserved to nurses globally as they have shown the quality, commitment, compassion, and competence it takes to take part in the healing process of a patient, right from the beginning to the end. What’s in a name? Names go beyond the essence of just identity.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is Bigger Government Better Government, based from the arguments of Research Paper

Is Bigger Government Better Government, based from the arguments of Jim demint and Jeff Madrick - Research Paper Example Perhaps the most important of these are: making laws that are fair and just for all citizens, organizing and policing society, providing infrastructure such as healthcare, education, transport and financial systems, and representing the country’s interests in the wider world. It must also, of course, provide for elections and engage in dialogue with the public over policies in order to ensure that it reflects in a broad sense the will of the majority of the people, and considers the interests of minorities and those who are not in agreement with the ruling faction. In each of these areas there are arguments for more or less government involvement, and consequently bigger or smaller investment in government offices and budgets to undertake these tasks. This paper will explore first the ideas of Jeff Madrick, who favors the big government approach and then the ideas of Jim DeMint, who is a supporter of the smaller government approach. Finally these opposing views will be compare d in order to establish which of the two is better. Jeff Madrick in his book The Case for Big Government argues that people in modern America cling to a myth about the early stages of American History. This myth suggests that in the days before modern cities arose and mass industrialization became the norm, people had less government, and were able to live as they want to. The age of the pioneers and settlers is one which people like to idealize, praising the virtues of self-reliance and freedom from an interfering state which only wants to create unnecessary rules. Madrick cites a letter which Jefferson wrote, saying that a good government must be a â€Å"wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.† (Madrick, 2009, p. 33) The letter was written when Jefferson was not in charge , and Madrick points out that in practice, when he had responsibility for managing the expansion of the territory to include Louisiana, Jefferson did not follow through on this ideal view of government. He realized that land ownership of the vast new territories was the crucial factor which would determine the prosperity of individuals and organizations alike and he did not trust market forces to ensure that the new land would be distributed fairly: â€Å"The broad distribution of land he thought ideal could be accomplished only through government control and regulation.† (Madrick, 2009, p. 33) Throughout America’s history, from this time onwards, critical investments such as railroads, canals, and schools were supervised and regulated by state and local government officials. The benefits of this involvement can still be seen today: standardized gauges for the wagons, a transport network which serves both local and national needs and a fundamental and ever-increasing c ommitment to high quality education for all children and young people. While commitment to the free market economy has been an important factor in America’s economic success in the twentieth century, it has also seen several disastrous depressions and crashes, with cycles of boom and bust that have a serious impact on large sections of the population. In Madrick’

Ronald Reagan Essay Example for Free

Ronald Reagan Essay Ronald Reagan came from humble beginnings. He was born on February 6, 1911 in the town of Tampico, Illinois. His parents were Jack and Nelle. Jack Reagan was an unsuccessful salesman who was also known as an alcoholic. His mother, Nelle Wilson Reagon was a devout farmwoman who raised Ronald and his older brother, Neil, in the Disciples of Christ Church despite their fathers Catholicism. The family moved frequently, sometimes in response to new job opportunities, sometimes after Jack had been fired because of his drinking. In 1920 they settled in Dixon, Illinois, where Jack became the proprietor and part owner of a shoe store (Reeves 2). Ronald Reagan was an outgoing, optimistic, popular, and apparently happy youth despite the problems of his family. He was interested in sports from an early age and particularly liked football and swimming. Ronald was also nearsighted, which was later diagnosed, made baseball difficult for him. He was a hardworking and modestly successful student, with a talent for memorization (Miller Center). He was active early in school dramatics. As a teenager, he worked during summers as a lifeguard at the swimming area of the local river and put aside much of what he earned for his education (Reeves 6). Reagans youth was in many ways oddly similar to that of other provincial Americans who rose to political prominence: a boyhood in a small town, a family struggling precariously on the edges of the middle class, education in small, undistinguished schools. Huey P. Long, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, and many others had grown up in comparable circumstances. But unlike most other small-town boys who rose to political greatness, Reagan showed little early interest in politics (Brinkley). Jack Reagan, like most American Catholics of his era, was a staunch Democrat and Ronald inherited his fathers unreflective enthusiasm for the party even though, throughout the 1920s, it enjoyed little national success. He became a fervent admirer of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932, an attachment that grew stronger when the New Deal agencies began providing jobs to unemployed men (among them his father) in depression-ravaged central Illinois (Miller Center). But he never became actively involved in Democratic politics in the state. He found himself drawn occasionally into campus politics at Eureka and in his senior year won election as class president. But when he graduated in 1932, with a B. A. in economics and sociology, politics and public life remained far from his thoughts. He was, he later wrote, drawn to some form of show business, an interest born in part of his experiences in the Eureka drama society (Brinkley). Following graduation, at a time when a quarter of Americans were unemployed, Reagan found work as a radio announcer, first in Davenport, Iowa, then later Des Moines. Reagan struggled at first but in time became one of the best-known sports announcers in the Midwest (Reeves 9). He also became a popular speaker before Des Moines service groups and enlisted as a reserve officer in the U. S. Cavalry so he could ride horses regularly. But he dreamed of bigger things. In 1937, Reagan went to California with the Chicago Cubs baseball team on spring training and arranged through a friend for a screen test at Warner Brothers. Warner Brothers offered Reagan a contract for $200 a week that launched his film career (Brinkley). His growing success also won him a series of deferments from military service (at the request of Warner Brothers) once the United States entered World War II, and then after he was called up and commissioned an officer in the cavalry, an assignment with an army film unit. He spent the war in California making army training movies at a military base in Los Angeles, with time off to make feature films at Warner Brothers (among them the successful 1943 tribute to the military, This Is the Army ) (D’Souza 10). Much of the time, he lived at home with his family. Despite his later claims to the contrary, he never left the country and never saw combat. But he cooperated with studio public relations efforts to portray him as a soldier, who, like other soldiers, left his family to go off to war. Feature stories described Wyman bravely carrying on, raising the children and maintaining the household while her man was away. Newsreels and magazine photos depicted Reagan coming home for leaves and visits. Reagan later sometimes seemed actually to have believed the ruse. Even decades later, he liked to talk about coming back from the war, like other veterans, eager to take up family life again (a life that in his case had hardly been interrupted) (D’Souza 11). Reagans postwar acting career never regained the momentum it had enjoyed in the early 1940s. He had some occasional successes (among them The Hasty Heart in 1949), but he found himself working more often now in minor roles or minor films. Jane Wymans career, in the meantime, was flourishing, and her absorption with it contributed to what were already growing tensions within the marriage. The couple divorced in 1948 (Reagan 4). As his career and his marriage languished, Reagan had begun to become active in politics. His first vehicle was the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), the film actors union. Reagan had been active in SAG since his first months in Hollywood, and his involvement grew with his marriage to Wyman, who was also an important figure in the organization. In 1946, he chaired a union strike committee and demonstrated an energy and a toughness that his SAG colleagues had not previously seen. In 1947, he became president of the union, a position he held for six years. Reagan still considered himself a liberal Democrat, and he used his new political distinction to campaign for Harry Truman in 1948. There was occasional talk of Reagan himself running for Congress as a Democrat, but party leaders apparently opposed the idea because they considered him too liberal (Barlietta 15-17). In reality, Reagans political views were changing more rapidly than his public activities suggested. During the war, he had harshly criticized the waste and corruption he saw in the awarding of military contracts, and his suspicion of government bureaucracies only grew in the following years. He was also now complaining frequently about taxes. He had signed a million-dollar contract with Warner Brothers in 1944, but the very high wartime tax rates (up to 90 percent in the upper brackets) greatly reduced his income. In 1950, after initially endorsing the actress Helen Gahagan Douglas for the United States Senate, he switched his support to Richard Nixon in mid-campaign. And as president of SAG, he became active in efforts to distance the union from Communist influence (driven to do so, no doubt, by the savagely anti-Communist political climate, but also by his own deep and growing aversion to Communists) (D’Souza 12). By the late 1940s, he was cooperating with the FBI and testifying before the House Committee on Un-American Activities against Communism in the union (although he was not asked to name any individual Communists). Subsequently, he cooperated with the studios as they quietly administered the notorious blacklist of alleged Communists who were to be barred from employment in the movie industry. Reagan later claimed that the effort by Hollywood Communists to take over the motion picture business, and the unwillingness of many liberals to confront them, was responsible for his political turn to the right (Brinkley). At least as responsible, however, was his marriage in 1952 to Nancy Davis, a young and largely unknown actress whom he had met at a dinner party in 1949. Davis was the daughter of a once-successful stage actress, Edith Luckett. Her natural parents separated when she was an infant, and she spent most of her childhood in the home of her mothers second husband, Loyal Davis, whose name Nancy took and whose right-wing political views she uncritically absorbed. Her familys conservatism reinforced Reagans own accelerating drift to the right (Brinkley). Reagans second marriage was a happy one. The couple lived in a comfortable home in Pacific Palisades and began to spend time at a ranch Reagan had bought near Santa Barbara. They had two children, Patricia, born in 1952, and Ronald, born in 1958. But Reagans film career was now in serious decline. Warner Brothers had not renewed his contract, and he was having difficulty finding steady work elsewhere. He was now in his mid-forties, and major stardom was coming to seem beyond his reach (Reeves 13). Over the next few years FBI agents working with the House of Un-American Activities Committee and the Hollywood Motion Picture Producers, got 320 people blacklisted from the entertainment industry. As president of the Screen Actors Guild, Reagan refused to support those actors such as Larry Parks, Joseph Bromberg, Charlie Chaplin, John Garfield, Howard Da Silva, Gale Sondergaard, Jeff Corey, John Randolph, Canada Lee, and Paul Robeson who were on this list.   Reagans support of McCarthyism enabled him to continue working in Hollywood but his films continued to appear in mediocre films such as Bedtime for Bonzo (1951), The Last Outpost (1951), The Winning Team (1952), Law and Order (1953), Cattle Queen of Montana (1954), Tennessees Partner (1955) and Hellcats in the Navy (1957). Between 1954 and 1962 Reagan also worked for General Electric as host of the companys weekly half-hour dramas for television. (Miller Center) In the 1930s and 40s Reagan had been a loyal supporter of the Democratic Party. However, he switched to the Republican Party after the war and supported Dwight Eisenhower (1952 and 1956) and Richard Nixon (1960). In 1964 that Reagan became a national political figure. (Barlietta 67) This was as a result of a televised speech in support of Barry Goldwater. It did not help Goldwater win the election (he was seen by most people in America as a dangerous, right-wing extremist). However, it did convince members of the Californian business community that here was a man with the charm to sell right-wing extremism. Reagan was approached about becoming the Republican Party candidate as Governor of California with the help of a smear campaign against Pat Brown and promises of tax cuts he won an easy victory. (Miller Center)? As governor Reagan quickly established himself as one of the countrys leading conservative political figures. This included dramatic budget cuts and a hiring freeze for state agencies. He also put up student fees and when they complained he sent state troopers to deal with their protest meetings. (D’Souza 45) Re-elected with 52 per cent of the vote in 1970, Reagan introduced a series of welfare reforms during his second term in office. This included tightening eligibility requirements for welfare aid and requiring the able to seek work rather than receiving benefits. However, the tax cuts never came, in fact, he presided over the largest tax increase any state had ever demanded in American history. Ronald Reagan won the Republican Presidential nomination in 1980 and chose as his running mate former Texas Congressman and United Nations Ambassador George Bush. Voters troubled by inflation and by the year-long confinement of Americans in Iran swept the Republican ticket into office. Reagan won 489 electoral votes to 49 for President Jimmy Carter. (Miller Center) On January 20, 1981, Reagan took office. Only 69 days later he was shot by a would-be assassin, but quickly recovered and returned to duty. His grace and wit during the dangerous incident caused his popularity to soar. (Brinkley) Dealing skillfully with Congress, Reagan obtained legislation to stimulate economic growth, curb inflation, increase employment, and strengthen national defense. He embarked upon a course of cutting taxes and Government expenditures, refusing to deviate from it when the strengthening of defense forces led to a large deficit. (Brinkley) A renewal of national self-confidence by 1984 helped Reagan and Bush win a second term with an unprecedented number of electoral votes. Their victory turned away Democratic challengers Walter F. Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro. In 1986 Reagan obtained an overhaul of the income tax code, which eliminated many deductions and exempted millions of people with low incomes. At the end of his administration, the Nation was enjoying its longest recorded period of peacetime prosperity without recession or depression. (Brinkley) In foreign policy, Reagan sought to achieve peace through strength. During his two terms he increased defense spending 35 percent, but sought to improve relations with the Soviet Union. In dramatic meetings with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, he negotiated a treaty that would eliminate intermediate-range nuclear missiles. (Brinkley) Reagan declared war against international terrorism, sending American bombers against Libya after evidence came out that Libya was involved in an attack on American soldiers in a West Berlin nightclub. By ordering naval escorts in the Persian Gulf, he maintained the free flow of oil during the Iran-Iraq war. In keeping with the Reagan Doctrine, he gave support to anti-Communist insurgencies in Central America, Asia, and Africa. D’Souza 74) After leaving office in 1989, the Reagans purchased a home in Bel Air, Los Angeles in addition to the Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara. They regularly attended Bel Air Presbyterian Church and occasionally made appearances on behalf of the Republican Party; Reagan delivered a well-received speech at the 1992 Republican National Convention. Previously on November 4, 1991, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library was dedicated and opened to the public. (D’Souza 111) At the dedication ceremonies, five presidents were in attendance, as well as six first ladies, marking the first time five presidents were gathered in the same location. Reagan continued publicly to speak in favor of a line-item veto; the Brady Bill; a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget; and the repeal of the 22nd Amendment, which prohibits anyone from serving more than two terms as president. In 1992 Reagan established the Ronald Reagan Freedom Award with the newly formed Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. His final public speech was on February 3, 1994 during a tribute to him in Washington, D. C. , and his last major public appearance was at the funeral of Richard Nixon on April 27, 1994. Brinkley) In August 1994, at the age of 83, Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimers disease, an incurable neurological disorder which destroys brain cells and ultimately causes death. In November he informed the nation through a handwritten letter, writing in part: â€Å"I have recently been told that I am one of the millions of Americans who will be afflicted with Alzheimers Disease At the moment I feel just fine. I intend to live the remainde r of the years God gives me on this earth doing the things I have always done I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life. I know that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead. Thank you, my friends. May God always bless you. † (Miller Center) After his diagnosis, letters of support from well-wishers poured into his California home, but there was also speculation over how long Reagan had demonstrated symptoms of mental degeneration. In her memoirs, former CBS White House correspondent Lesley Stahl recounts her final meeting with the president, in 1986: Reagan didnt seem to know who I was. Oh, my, hes gonzo, I thought. I have to go out on the lawn tonight and tell my countrymen that the president of the United States is a doddering space cadet. But then, at the end, he regained his alertness. As she described it, I had come that close to reporting that Reagan was senile. (Miller Center) However, Dr. Lawrence K. Altman, a physician employed as a reporter for the New York Times, noted that the line between mere forgetfulness and the beginning of Alzheimers can be fuzzyand all four of Reagans White House doctors said that they saw no evidence of Alzheimers while he was president. Dr. John E. Hutton, Reagans primary physician from 1984 to 1989, said the president absolutely did not show any signs of dementia or Alzheimers. (Miller Center) Reagan did experience occasional memory lapses, though, especially with names. Once, while meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, he repeatedly referred to Vice President Bush as Prime Minister Bush. Reagans doctors, however, note that he only began exhibiting overt symptoms of the illness in late 1992or 1993, several years after he had left office. His former Chief of Staff James Baker considered ludicrous the idea of Reagan sleeping during cabinet meetings. Other staff members, former aides, and friends said they saw no indication of Alzheimers while he was President. Barlietta 197) Complicating the picture, Reagan suffered an episode of head trauma in July 1989, five years prior to his diagnosis. After being thrown from a horse in Mexico, a subdural hematoma was found and surgically treated later in the year. Nancy Reagan asserts that her husbands 1989 fall hastened the onset of Alzheimers disease, citing what doctors told her, although acute brain injury has not been conclusively proven to accelerate Alzheimers or dementia. Reagans one-time physician Dr. Daniel Ruge has said it is possible, but not certain, that the horse ccident affected the course of Reagans memory. (Barlietta 209) Reagan died of pneumonia at his home in Bel Air, California on the afternoon of June 5, 2004. A short time after his death, Nancy Reagan released a statement saying: My family and I would like the world to know that President Ronald Reagan has died after 10 years of Alzheimers Disease at 93 years of age. We appreciate everyones prayers. (Brinkley) President George W. Bush declared June 11 a National Day of Mourning, and international tributes came in from around the world. Reagans body was taken to the Kingsley and Gates Funeral Home in Santa Monica, California later in the day, where well-wishers paid tribute by laying flowers and American flags in the grass. On June 7, his body was removed and taken to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, where a brief family funeral was held conducted by Pastor Michael Wenning. His body lay in repose in the Library lobby until June 9; over 100,000 people viewed the coffin. (Miller Center) On June 9, Reagans body was flown to Washington, D. C. where he became the tenth United States president to lie in state; in thirty-four hours, 104,684 people filed past the coffin. On June 11, a state funeral was conducted in the Washington National Cathedral, and presided over by President George W. Bush. Eulogies were given by former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and both Presidents Bush. Also in attendance were Mikhail Gorbachev, and many world leaders, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and interim presidents Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, and Ghazi al-Yawer of Iraq. Brinkley) After the funeral, the Reagan entourage was flown back to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California, where another service was held, and President Reagan was interred. (Brinkley) At the time of his death, Reagan was the longest-lived president in U. S. history, having lived 93 years and 120 days (2 years, 8 months, and 23 days longer than John Adams, whose record he surpassed). He is now the second longest-lived president, just 45 days fewer than Gerald Ford. He was the first United States president to die in the 21st century, and his was the first state funeral in the United States since that of President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1973. (Miller Center) His burial site is inscribed with the words he delivered at the opening of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library: I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph and that there is purpose and worth to each and every life.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Gladiator Historical Accuracy

Gladiator Historical Accuracy The movie gladiator revolves around the life of Maximus Decimus Meridius. Maximus was the greatest Roman General in the Roman Empire. Marcus Aurelius was the emperor of Rome and near his death he told Maximus that he wanted the power to be shifted back to the senate, and not to his son, Commodus. The reason Marcus Aurelius did not want his son to rule is because he believes that Commodus will destroy the Roman Empire. When Commodus finds out that he will not become emperor, he suffocates his father. After Marcus Aurelius death, Commodus tells the Romans that he is the new emperor, but Maximus knows the truth. Commodus tells the soldiers to kill Maximus and his family before the power is given to the Senate. Before the soldiers could kill Maximus, he defeats all of the soldiers trying to murder him, and he escapes. Maximus goes home to see his wife and son murdered and hung in front of his house. He knows he cant stay in his house, so he starts to find somewhere else to live. While in the desert, Maximus collapses and he is captured by slave trainers. While in the slave camp, the captured slaves were tested to see what level they could perform. Maximus was called Spaniard because he refused to tell his name. When he finally showed the slave traders how well he fought, they immediately knew that they had an amazing fighter. In Rome, Commodus reopens the gladiatorial games in honour of his deceased father. A significant scene in the movie was when the gladiators were supposed to re-enact the battle between Rome and Carthage. The gladiators did not want to be defeated so they killed the defenders and the crowd enjoyed the twist. Commodus demanded the identity of the best fighter. Maximus removes his mask and Commodus is shocked to see that he is still alive. Commodus is unable to kill him because the crowd loves him. Commodus decides to force him to fight the Tigris of Gaul, the best fighter in Rome. While Maximus battles the Tigris of Gaul, Commodus releases the t igers on him. Maximus almost defeats the Tigris of Gaul when he saw Commodus vote for death. Maximus decided to spare the Tigris life to oppose Commodus. Commodus is angry to find out that the Romans start calling Maximus, Maximus the Merciful. After the battle, Maximus meets one of his former servants, Cicero and him tells him to tell his former soldiers that he is still alive, and wants them to battle for his freedom. Maximus plans an escape with Gracchus and Lucilla to reunite with his army. Commodus fears that his sister, Lucilla is betraying him so he threatens Lucius. Commodus discovers the plot and he sends his soldiers to kill Maximus and the other slaves. While in battle, Proximo, the trainer of the slaves, and Hagen are murdered, but Juba and the rest of the survivors are imprisoned. Maximus escapes only to find Cicero hung by Commodus soldiers. Maximus becomes captured and imprisoned again and has to face Commodus in battle. Commodus talks to Maximus before the battle and stabs him in the back to weaken him in the battle and he orders the guards to cover the wound with armour. While in battle Commodus tries fighting him but at one point Commodus sword is taken from his hand. Commodus orders Quintus to give him another sword, but Quintus refuses. Maximus kills Commodus while the whole Coliseum stayed silent. As the life of Maximus begins to fade, he tells the Romans to free Proximos slaves and let Rome be controlled by the Senate again. The movie ends with Maximus meeting his family in a field in his afterlife. Juba is at the end of the movie burying two statues of a woman and a boy that belonged to Maximus, and Juba says he will meet him in the afterlife. Historical Analysis- Gladiator Characters: Lucilla: In the movie, Lucilla is the daughter of Marcus Aurelius, and the sister of Commodus. In the beginning of the movie Marcus Aurelius tells her he wished she was a boy because she would rule Rome appropriately. Lucilla is very smart and is very interested in the politics of Rome. Commodus is in love with her and does not want anyone to have her. She understands his love and uses it to her advantage. In the movie, she does anything she can to distract Commodus and keep him happy in order to save Maximus. Lucilla, Maximus and Gracchus plot to kill Commodus The romantic relationship between Lucilla and Maximus is clearly evident, and it truly angers Commodus. Commodus becomes very suspicious and threatens Lucius. Lucilla informs Commodus about her plans in order to save her son, and Commodus captures Maximus. Maximus: In the movie gladiator, Maximus Decimus Meridius is a loving father and husband. He is the greatest Roman General in Roman history, and no one can defeat him. The character of Maximus was created by the writers of the movie, Unfortunately, there are no portraits with which to compare the Hero of Gladiator, the Spanish general Maximus. He never existed at all. (Ward, 2005). All of the scenes in the movie that involved Maximus were written in to make the movie more exciting and the love affair between Lucilla and Maximus never existed. Commodus: Commodus character was supposed to portray a mixture between the Caesars Nero and Caligula. Historians believe that he was worse. In the movie, Commodus is hated by the Senate and the people. In history Commodus is only hated by the Senate, he was quite loved by the people. In Gladiator, Commodus is murdered by Maximus during battle, but that is not true since Maximus never existed. Commodus had many attempts on his life, but only one man succeeded. Role of Different Groups: Caesars: In the movie Gladiator, the Caesar Marcus Aurelius had the most power and he was a noble Caesar. He did not want Commodus to gain power because he feared Commodus would ruin the city of Rome. Some Caesars shared their power with the Senate, some Caesars became dictators. Generals: A general had a very important role. The job a general was to lead their army to victory. During the ancient Roman times a legion would serve his general first and his Caesar second. This is demonstrated in the film when Maximus tells his former servant Cicero to get his army to fight for his freedom. Maximus knows the army will obey him. Gladiators: Gladiators were the lowest form of humans during the ancient Roman times. Gladiators were men who were mostly captured during war and were forced to fight. There is also a high accuracy in the way that the life of a gladiator is portrayed. Gladiators were men who were trained to die for the publics entertainment. They not only fought other gladiators but animals too. (Ilic, 2004). Government Structure/ Politics: The government during the ancient Roman times was based on the Caesar and the Senate. Many of the Roman people loved the Senate, but after seeing how corrupt they could be the Romans started to love Caesars more. For example Commodus was one of the emperors who although despised by the senatorial classes was loved by the military and lower classes. The reason is mainly financial. Commodus taxed the senators and was generous with the others. (The struggle between the Senate and the Caesars continued until the fall of the Roman Empire). (Ward, 2005) Work Cited Gil, NG. (2010, October). Economic reasons for the fall of rome. Retrieved from Ilic, KI. (2004, June). Gladiator fact vs. gladiator fiction. Retrieved from Ward, AW. (2001, August). The movie gladiator in historical perspective.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Anabolic Steroid Use in Major League Baseball (MLB) - Steroids Must be

Anabolic Steroid Use in Major League Baseball (MLB) - Steroids Must be Banned Athletes, whether they are young or old, pro or amateur, are always looking to gain an advantage over their opponent. Some may look towards an anabolic steroid, a powerful drug that many people take in order to boost athletic performance. But are these anabolic steroids safe for the human body? Many doctors think the answer to this question is no. The use of steroids in the MLB should be banned, as they are now. In the 1930’s, steroids were known to be used for homosexuals to lower there testosterone. In the past few decades, steroids have been found mostly in college, the Olympics, and in professional sports. But today, steroids are being found in middle and high schools. Most commonly, steroids have been found in athletes involved in sports that rely on strength and size, like football, wrestling, or baseball, in endurance athletes where athletes are involved in track-and-field and swimming, in athletes involved in weight training or bodybuilding, and in anyone interested in building and defining...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ma Rainey and Bessie Smith: Two Legendary Classical Blues Artists Essay

The blues emerged as a distinct African-American musical form in the early twentieth century. It typically employed a twelve-bar framework and three-lined stanzas; its roots are based in early African-American songs, such as field hollers and work songs, and generally have a melancholy mood. The blues can be divided into many sub-genres, including Classical, Country, and Urban. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the careers of two of Classical blues most influential and legendary singers: Ma Rainey and Bessie Smith. Ma Rainey, considered by many to be the â€Å"Mother of the Blues,† was one of the first pioneers of the classical blues style. She sang with a deep, rich, and quite often rough contralto voice while the voices of her contemporaries a generation later were more harmonious. Rainey was an important figure in connecting the Classical blues, largely female dominated, with the predominately male Country blues.1 Born Gertrude Pridgett in Georgia in 1886 to parents who had both performed in the minstrel shows, she was exposed to music at a very early age. At the age of fourteen, she performed in a local talent show called â€Å"The Bunch of Blackberries,† and by 1900 she was regularly singing in public.2 Over the next couple of decades, she worked in a variety of traveling minstrel shows, including Tolliver's Circus and Musical Extravaganza, and the Rabbit Foot Minstrels; she was one of the first women to incorporate the blues into minstrelsy. It was while working with the Rabbit Foot Minstrels that she met William Rainey, whom she married in 1904; together, they toured as â€Å"Ma and Pa Rainey: Assassinators of the Blues.† By the early 1920s, she was a star of the Theater Owners' Booking Agency (TOBA), which were white-... ...line of Smith's career – and in Classical blues, in general – was due to changing trends in music. Classical blues was out, and Swing was now the music of choice. Smith, however, was determined to make a comeback. She began performing again, this time labeling herself as a Swing singer. But before she could re-establish herself as a household name, she passed away from injuries caused by an automobile accident. It was not until some years after her death that her music began to be popularized again. Her recordings with Armstrong became popular among jazz musicians and had great influence on singers such as Billie Holiday, who often listened to Smith's records for inspiration. Frank Sinatra held her in high esteem, and Janis Joplin often emulated Smith's voice in her singing. Bessie Smith was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1939.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Department management- Case Analysis Essay

1. Receiving a Holiday Gift 1. For the first case, it is clearly stated that a supplier sends a basket of expensive food stuffs to our home during Christmas. By applying principle of love we would be kind enough to appreciate the basket of expensive foodstuffs given to us. We would thank the supplier for that beautiful card and gift given to us for Christmas. After appreciating the token we would ask him the reason and motive behind such an expensive foodstuff delivery. And based on the suppliers answers we would take the next step. 2. Sales Expense The second case is stating that a purchasing manager would give us their first order, expecting that we will agree to make a donation of P2, 000 to his favorite charity, a local youth sports team. By applying principle of double effect we would not accept this kind of order. The situation here is that if we follow one condition the other is ours automatically. The thing with this case is that the manager is expecting something in return to the first order he would give to us. A donation is given by a person freely and willingly. From all the reasons stated above, we do not agree to have an order by the purchasing manager who is expecting us to make a donation of P2, 000 donations to his favorite charity. 3. Sales Expense Reimbursement This case states that an agent of the Southeast Asia wants us to reimburse the customer executive from the Southeast Asia for all his expenses, including some which violates are company’s policies. The agent assures us to reimburse the expenses later. By applying the principle of truth and loyalty we would never accept to go against our company rules. We would choose to go on the right path than to follow the wrong one. Being disloyal to our own company would be a big disgrace to our inner conscience because this very company gives us money to live our lives peacefully and if we betray our company they can do the same to us one day. It is because truth can never be hidden for a long time. 4. References This case is asserting that a long time customer of ours had a bad experience with one of our competitors. Then a prospective client calls us and asks about the reputation of the said competitor. For this particular case we would bring to our clients notice the very bad experience of our long time customer with the competitor’s reputation. By applying intellectual responsibility principle we would try to look deep into this matter so as to know the whole truth because we believe what we see. We will try and investigate about it so that there are no doubts left within our minds and so that we can inform our client correctly about the competitor’s reputation. So all that we would report to our client would depend on what we investigate. 5. Conflict of Interest The last case states that the department manager will be hosting an informal celebration in the office and the food budget is $200. Then a neighbor of ours wants to supply the food because she has just started her own catering business. But because it is just her first time, she’ll do it at cost but will provide extra items at no charge. By applying the principle of love we would be kind enough to let our neighbor arrange food for the informal celebration held in the office because according to us our neighbor wants her cookery products to be known to people so as to expand her business; so that she can create demand for her products amongst the people. She would never take this responsibility if she was not confident about the food cooked in here catering. If she being the owner of the business is assuring us to serve us her best then why not allow her to provide food for the informal celebration. We do not mind the cost being going a bit high for the celebration as long as o ur neighbor is guaranteeing to serve extra items for free.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Civil Marriag

Civil Marriage in Lebanon The civil marriage and secular status debate is not new. However, the recent marriage of Khouloud and Nidal brought back the issue to the national spotlight. While this attempt is welcomed by many secular activists and youth groups, an outrage from Islamic institution is strongly contradicting and frightening. In her article â€Å"Lebanese’s Civil Marriage debate highlights sectarian rule (article number one),† Nada Akl supports civil marriage and considers it an opportunity to revisit the Lebanese personal status law.However, the Grand Mufti Mohamad Rashid Qabbani issues a fatwa against any move to legalize civil marriage in the country. The two activists tackle the topic from two opposing points of view, and Nada Akel succeeds more in effecting on the population and dragging them to her side. Civil marriage was first debated in the 1990s before the government of the Prime Minister Rafiq Al Hariri rejected it. Personal status law was lobbied f or and advocated by civil society groups in the name of personal rights and democracy. However, the result was always a complete failure.The couple, Khouloud and Nidal, attempted to fight for their right and get the approval for their marriage. Their attempt is now supported by great activists such as Nada Akel, yet a big party of the Lebanese refuses it due to their cultural and religious mentalities. In her article â€Å"number one,† Nada Akel succeeds in dragging the population to her side and convincing them. Her article is effective because she presents her ideas in a well-organized and adequate way. She opens her article with a short anecdote about a couple who has struggled a lot before overcoming all the obstacles and making its dream come true.This example illustrates real concerns and problems faced by the Lebanese society especially the young rising generation. This relation adds credibility to the text by giving it a sense of reality and not only an abstract image which has nothing to do with real life. Besides, she strongly supports her position by stating factual data based on law. As an example, she explains that people with no religious affiliation have the right to get married in this fashion based on the decree number 60 of a 1936 law ( Akel, para. umber 1). In addition, I predict that she gains the readers’ respect since she establishes her counterargument with no bias; on the contrary, she is very neutral and fair to her opponents. Akel seems to be peaceful in her article, for she does not attack nor offend her opposite views and opinions. By defending civil marriage, she also highlights indirectly its advantages because it diminishes our sectarian and divided culture by making people accept the differences and create a unifying society.On the other hand, Grand Mufti Mohamad Rashid Qabbani denies civil marriage and declares a religious edict against those who support or endorse it. Qabbani seems to be masterful and wise in his attempt to drag the Lebanese Muslim population to his side by forcing them to fight civil marriage if they wish to gain the pleasure of God – or at least making those who are far from radicalism take the middle ground. Moreover, Grand Mufti seems to be more threatening the population rather than being informing them.Instead of explaining religious concepts, he fills his fatwa with warnings and threats. Qabbani brands that any Muslim who approves this marriage is going to be expelled and will not be buried in an Islamic cemetery. Furthermore, Grand Mufti’s comments on civil marriage seem to be fiery and disrespectful to all the couples who have got married in this fashion. In his fatwa, the Mufti states it clearly that he considers this attempt to be adultery, and the children of such married couple are illegitimate.He also displays a profound contempt for his opponents in describing them as predators to the Islam. Needless to say, I find that the Mufti is violently at tacking the freedom of choice in Lebanon. Perhaps, our Mufti has forgotten that â€Å"Lebanon is a parliament democratic republic based on respect for public liberties especially the freedom of opinion† (Segment c of the Lebanese constitution). To conclude, the love story of Nidal and Khouloud brought back the attention to the existing debate about civil marriage.In my opinion, Grand Mufti Qabbani should lessen his tension and hatred towards his opponents and learn to accept the different existing opinions that sometimes contradict his. By demonstrating this rough attitude, Qabbani is destroying the real and peaceful image of Islam and therefore he cannot represent the whole Lebanese Muslim population. Meanwhile, Nada Akel’s argument strongly convinces me, and it appears to me that civil marriage is the only way out to establish a civil country.She makes me really sit down and question myself: â€Å"If my real true love was from another religion, would I struggle for the rest of my life in order to just be happy? Is that so much to ask for in a country like Lebanon? † Work Citied Page Akel, Nada, â€Å"Lebanon’s civil marriage debate highlights sectarian rule†, THE DAILY STAR. † Breaking News, Lebanon News, Middle East News & World News, 12 Feb 2013, Web 1 March 2013. http://www. dailystar. com. lb/Opinion/Commentary/2-13/Feb-12/206063-lebanons-civil-marriage-debate-highlits-sectarian-rule. ashx#axzz2MENEAnht. Qabbani, Mohammad, â€Å"Fatwa†, 28 January 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Managing Change Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Change - Research Proposal Example A successful management of change process leads to implement the procedural changes in a sustainable manner so that the organization can enjoy the long enduring benefits arising out of such changes (Hernes, Hendrup and Schà ¤ffnerc, 2015). In this paper, research will be done on change management of a renowned global fast food restaurant, Burger King. Theories of cultural changes and adaptation versus standardization will be analysed in order to establish the research agenda. Since its inception, the company has gone through several transformations in terms of management changes and changes in the production and operational process, as a result of external environmental changes. The Florida based company has gone through substantial changes since it has decided to expand its business in the Gulf Region. The research paper will concentrate on how the management has been able to manage the changes exclusively in Gulf region over a period of time. Organizational change is a critical aspect for every organization operating in global business framework. According to Hoenen and Kostova (2014), as the Gulf region is still in a state of pursuing its socio-economic and political reforms and accordingly changing the rules and legislations from time to time, it has become necessary for all the multinational companies operating in this region to change their business process and align their operations with the transforming regulations in this region. Schmid and Kotulla (2011) are on the opinion that when a multinational company decides to expand business in a new region on the globe, the management has to decide for every aspects of business starting from source of raw material, production and distribution process to supply chain and marketing strategies. Therefore, depending on the availability of resources and other facilities they should decide whether the company will standardize their existing

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Understand the Nature of Business Communication and How to Plan For It Assignment

Understand the Nature of Business Communication and How to Plan For It - Assignment Example Understand the Nature of Business Communication and How to Plan For It The primary emphasis has been allocated towards broadening the perspective of the acquiring company along with facilitating the company with the need for including non-financial components in the analysis such as meetings with IT system, manufacturing, distribution and marketing. It would further assist the acquiring company to have a proper understanding of the implications of the post integration needs as well as outcomes. Essentially, the prime focus has been placed on drawing out means and solutions for successful acquisition deal. Furthermore, the efforts have been concentrated on the transition along with identifying the ways to enhance cooperation between the two companies and working out the acquisition issues and concerns. With respect to the case, it has been recommended that the acquiring company should operate as a separate business as far as the integration of IT system is concerned. This is due to the reason that the analysis of the IT system in both the companies revea led that both the companies have different IT settings which make it harder for the acquiring company to integrate the IT system efficiently. Furthermore, it would require a lot of expenditure for the acquiring company to integrate the IT system. The integration of IT system will also be time consuming which will hinder the overall operations of both business organizations. Thus, it would be appropriate for the acquiring company to operate as a separate business entity in order to eliminate any possible hindrances arising due to the integration of IT system (Wickham & Wickham, 2008). With respect to the aspect manufacturing, it is suggested that the acquiring company should merge its all functionality as both the companies are engaged in manufacturing similar products and have similar product line. It has been ascertained from the secondary research conducted about both the companies related with the products that they manufactured. Additionally, merging its all the functionality wi ll enable the acquiring company to meet the requirements of its customers without any changes in the product line and without any additional costs as both the companies are engaged in the manufacturing of similar kinds of products. It will further facilitate the acquiring company to engage in mass production of products as well as integration of machinery. Moreover, it will reduce the costs associated with the manufacturing of products thereby promoting economies of scale for the acquiring company. It will also facilitate in acquiring trained employees and expertise with minimum cost and expenditure followed by increasing operational efficiencies. This will also reduce the hiring costs associated with the recruitment of new employees. Correspondingly, merging all the functional units of the acquiring company will unarguably enable both the companies to eliminate any possible flaws in their production and manufacturing process (Wickham & Wickham, 2008). In relation to distribution, i t is recommended after conducting secondary research that the acquiring company should merge nothing. It is due to the reason that the fleet of trucks owned by the soft candy company was not refrigerated and this fleet of trucks could not be used during the hot temperature months for distributing candies and cookies which contained chocolates. This

Monday, October 7, 2019

Single Mothers and Minimum Wage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Single Mothers and Minimum Wage - Research Paper Example The single mothers are forced to enter the competitive job market and it has been seen that they face many problems related to the jobs and wages. It has been proved those single mothers who are working in low wage jobs are often face many real time hardship than the people who are dependent on welfare. (Mooney et al; 2008, p, 240). Single mothers and minimum wages: Wages or the earnings are the fuel of the family which keeps the family running smoothly. In a normal dual-parent family a husband and a wife both earn to have a smooth life. In many cases it has been seen that in a family the female is the bread earner and the husband looks after the kids and the household choirs. However, in case of the single mothers the work pressure is double as they have to look after the children in the house as well they have to earn to feed the kids. So, as far as the single mother is concern they have to earn moderate income in a smaller time to handle both the pressures. There are many initiati ves taken by the governments or the local communities to help these women by eradicating the pathetic effects of minimum wages. There are some policies which are favorable to these communities because the unfortunate children. Most of the policies are concern with the poor children living under the poverty (Neumark, and Wascher, 2008, p. 151). However, if there is one community which has got special attention for most of the policies related to the wages and social security is the community of the single mothers. The group of the single mother has got especial attentions towards the effects of the minimum wages (Neumark, and Wascher, 2008, p. 151). The strong initiatives towards the welfare of the single mothers started in 1996, this initiative given a strong... This paper approves that the community of single mother is consisting of women from different culture and different religions and they speak different languages. To unite all of these people are not an easy job. The cultural diversity is a big problem. Some rituals are accepted by some people and at the same time some people do not accept the facts and they try to protest also sometimes. Most of the African-American single moms are Christian and Muslims. The main learning from the work is the implementation of the nonracial behavior within the community. This paper makes a conclusion that the community for the single mothers is a functioning body which has many numbers of women who are mentally and financially tortured. The main aim of the community development members should be to heal the pain of these poor women. It can be said that being a single mother is very much hazardous to mental health. The motivation is the only healing to these poor women. They have faced many problems in finding jobs to feed their children and on the other side many of them have faced physical torture from their husbands. Canadian research the researchers have found that single mothers go through more psychiatric illness than that of the mothers in two-parent families. The researchers also found that after they have become single mom their mental condition started changing irrespective of the financial problems.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

IT Security. Epworth Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IT Security. Epworth - Assignment Example The storage of information is at times prone to intrusion from the foes. It is at this point that the persons using the database have to ensure that there is utmost security of the stored information. Other trends in IT include such things as the use of wireless LANS (Stewart, Tittel and Chapple, 2011). This is one of the developments that are in IT. IT comprises of many contentious issues like the use of suites of security technology, reputation risk, online awareness and the wireless LAN technology. Task1 (Reputational risk) The chief officer for security at Epworth is the person concerned with the security of the firm’s information stored in the database. His claims that the system is robust against reputational risk are a heap of lies. This is because the database of the Epworth organization is accessible to any web server. The web server can directly access the web where the health care firm stores information concerning to the employees and the patients. This direct access is the one that makes me defy the fact that the reputation of the patients is safe. Secretive patient’s information storage occurs in the database (Honey, 2009). Therefore, the security officer’s remarks are not true. Current observations show that the fact that the database is accessible to all employees of the Epworth health care .This accessibility is the key to hacking of necessary information concerning the organization (Neef, 2003). ... An IBM analyst has recommended to Epworth a suite of security technologies aimed at database compromise and data loss prevention at a cost of $40,000 per year. This would ensure that the database information is free from falling into the hands of the enemy. Therefore, it would be beneficial to implement the suite because of different reasons. One of the reasons is the fact that the database information is exceedingly necessary to any firm. The cost of installing the prevention mechanisms may be high but the benefits are many (CDTM, 2007). Epworth would have the assurance that the security of information pertaining to their patients and workers is safe. Purchasing a licensed copy of the security suite is also particular because the firms can assure their patients that their details are safe. The other reason as to why this is necessary is that the cost of replacing the lost information would be more than the cost of installing the security kit (Whitman and Mattord, 2010). The installa tion of database security is necessary because the process of coming up with new details about patients is costly. Contacting and informing the patients about their account numbers and providing new cards would be exceedingly tedious. The last reason for the installation would be the fact that database compromise is up to 25%. Task 3 (online training of employees) If Epworth were to bestow me with the task of conducting online employee awareness, this would be a go ahead for the firm. On-line employee awareness and training course for safeguarding sensitive patient information is a practice that any firm requires. This would ensure that the employees are aware of the requirements

Saturday, October 5, 2019

International business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International business strategy - Essay Example However, Anthony Salim and his executive leadership group believe that being flexible to these unpredictable and changing dynamics of international culture and business competition is the key to success. Bartlett, Ghoshal & Beamish (2008) identify the concept of the coordinated federation, which is essentially a conglomeration of pre-existing core principles that have found business success at the headquartered centre of the company and then distributed equally across international boundaries. The Salim Group takes the advice of Bartlett et al. in not taking this rather unproductive distribution of core principles and then forcing them throughout the transnational environment and the business’ multiple industries. Instead, Salim advises on being adaptable to changing market conditions. This flexibility is a success factor to be more responsive to the external market environment. For example, the Salim Group faced public backlash with perceived corruption from the Indonesian go vernment between the Salim Group about its investment banking practices (Dieleman, 2006) for divesting 107 different assets to the Indonesian government. ... Though this is only one scenario that occurred with the Salim Group, it indicates that regional government and other influencing bodies in the regulatory environment continue to change the internal dynamics of how the business is operated and/or divested. This is why Salim continues to travel, personally, to different regions of the world to gain an understanding of what is driving governmental forces or cultural forces in key growth markets or existing markets so that the business can be structured accordingly or new strategies developed based on primary data research analysis. This type of flexibility by taking a proactive stand to leadership and research is a key success dynamic. Since more than one legal basis for operations drives this transnational company, such flexibility is a predictor of future success by fully understanding the forces that will impede business success or improve its competitive or public relations position. Anthony Salim is also open to being approached by new investors from multiple regions of the world in order to seize opportunities to expand the business or put it into a better financial position over the long-run. Salim fully recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of the firm, such as his indication that the group is not fluent in technological prowess, thus not having an attitude of superiority in any one division that might not be supported by actual business realities. Salim relies on synergies produced from acquired businesses or other strategic activities involving a secondary business and allows the firm to capitalize on these strengths through acquisition. In many ways, the case study reinforces that Anthony Salim is more focused on consumer relationship management and the marketing principles for