Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Annotated Literature Review GPS Tracking - 845 Words

Alphonse, L. (2010, June). Would you implant a microchip in your child? Retrieved from: blogs/in_the_parenthood/2010/06/would_you_implant_a_microchip_in_your_child.html Written for the lay person, the idea surrounds the disappearance of a child and whether the introduction of implanted chips would make a difference in kidnapping, child abduction, and child pornography. Despite being journalistic in origin, the article quotes statistics from other reliable sources, like the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. This data indicates that about 800,000 children are reported missing annually, but only 115 of them were kidnapped by criminals or people they did not know. Some would argue that if a microchip can prevent even one childs death, the other consequences are worth it. Others would argue that it is more hype and fear that are driving the marketing of such chips. This article will be the starting point of research on the subject. Dice, M. (2011). Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True. San Diego, CA: The Resistance Press. This is a journalistic (and clearly biased) review of the idea of how technology can impact society in a negative manner, the so-called Big Brother approach. The author finds that even the non-invasive GPS tracking materials, the 2009 Little Buddy that is placed in a backpack or lunch pail can be misused. The parent sets a boundary and a time schedule, and if the child movesShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Media On Social Media1487 Words   |  6 Pagesacross the social media has been ever increasing. There has been a lot of research on social media and privacy implications of sharing photos and videos on it. Privacy implications of cloud-based storage need to be researched further as the current literature on this is clearly not sufficient. Increasingly, many are storing their own private photos and videos in the cloud. 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